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Friday, 25 December 2020

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Black ink on competition answer sheets, extra ‘E’ option | TNPSC Important Announcement

Black ink on competition answer sheets, extra ‘E’ option | TNPSC Important Announcement

A change has been made in the answer sheets to make it easier for the candidates applying for the examinations conducted by the Tamil Nadu Civil Service Selection Board to upload the reference numbers. This will help prevent irregularities in the elections.


Candidates who have applied once or permanently for the examinations conducted by the Tamil Nadu Civil Service Selection Board are required to register their reference numbers. Those who have already registered once or have a permanent registration are advised to register as soon as possible if they do not register the Aadhaar numbers.


Applicants can download the ticket only by giving their reference number before downloading their ticket. This will avoid any irregularities in the examinations. Accordingly, the examinations for the first integrated civil service will be held from January 3. Admission tickets are published on the selection website. It can be downloaded only after linking the Aadhaar number with a one-time registration and permanent registration.


It has also changed the answer sheets to avoid irregularities in the examinations. Accordingly the candidates have been given 4 sections (A, B, C, D) to fill in the answers already in the answer sheets. You must select an answer in one of these sections. Currently it has an additional section (c) added. If the candidates do not know the answer to the question then they have to select that additional section (e) .After completing the answer, how many answers were written in A, B, C, D and additionally created ‘E’ section? Calculate that and specify the places allotted for it.

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Then, it is necessary to record the left thumbprint. The selectors must make sure that everything like this is done correctly. Candidates will be given an additional 15 minutes from the time of the examination. In case of any error in the calculation, 5 marks will be deducted. Also, the test should be written in a pen with black ink. A sample form of the farewell letter and an explanatory short film on how to handle the farewell letter are published on the selection website.

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Applicants can contact the toll free number 18004251002 for further details. You can also contact us during office hours on all working days from 10 a.m. to 5.45 p.m., until 8 p.m. You can also get in touch via the selectable email address contacttnpsc@gmail.com.











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