The Chalcolithic age was followed by
(A) Old Stone age✔X
(B) New Stone age✔X
(C) Iron age✔X
(D) Mesolithic age✔X
Aihole inscription was issued by
(A) Amoghavarsha I✔X
B) Pulakesin II✔X
(C) Govinda III✔X
(D) Dantidurga✔X
Which of the following are fundamental rights are outside part III? Choose the correct answer: 1. Article 265 2. Article 300-A 3. Article 301 4. Article 326
(A) 1, 2, 4✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) 2, 3, 4✔X
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4✔X
Match the following: List -I List-II (Cases) (Related to) (a) Indra Sawhney Case 1. power of Parliament to amend Part III of the Constitution upheld (b) Minerva Mills Case 2. Procedure Established by Law (c) Gopalan Case 3. Reservation for Backward Classes (d) Shankari Prasad Case 4. Revival of Case Judicial Review
(A) 3 1 2 4✔X
(B) 2 4 3 1✔X
(C) 3 4 2 1✔X
D) 2 1 3 4✔X
Which of the following is correct about tundra region?
(A) Permafrost region✔X
(B) Equatorial region✔X
(D) Coastal region✔X
What is the major occupation in equatorial region?
(A) Growing tropical crops✔X
(B) Growing cereals✔X
(C) Growing of citrus fruits✔X
(D) Animal rearing✔X
Total surface area of solid hemisphere is 675 sq.cm. Then curved surface area of the solid hemisphere is
) 225 sq.c✔X
B) 450 sq.cm✔X
(C) 450 sq. cm✔X
(D) 225 sq. cm✔X
father is now twice as old as his son. Twenty years ago, he was six times as old as his son. What are their ages now?
(A) 60, 30✔X
(B) 40, 20✔X
(C) 58, 29✔X
(D) 50, 25✔X
What is the area of a Trapezium whose parallel sides are x and x 2 and height is 2x?
(A) x 2 (1 + x) sq.units✔X
(B) x 2 + x sq.units✔X
(C) 1 2 (1 + x) sq.units✔X
(D) 1 2 (x 2 + x) sq.units✔X
Which of the following is not a geometric sequence?
(A) 7, 56, 448, 3584, .........✔X
(B) 6, 0.6, 0.06, 0.006 ........✔X
(C) 1 5 , 2, 20, 200, ........✔X
(D) 4, 48, 384, 3256, ...........✔X
Choose the correct option to complete the alphabet letter series __ABA __CABC __DCBA __BAB __A
A fraction is such that if the numerator is multiplied by 2 and the denominator is reduced by 4 we get 10 3 , but if the numerator is increased by 6 and the denominator is doubled we get 11 14 , what is the fraction?
(A) 7 5✔X
(B) 5 7✔X
(C) 21 17✔X
(D) 17 21✔X
Find the compound interest on Rs.31,250 at 8% p.a. for 3 years compounded annually?
(A) Rs.8006✔X
(B) Rs.8106✔X
(C) Rs.8096✔X
(D) Rs.8116✔X
A school boy walks from his house to school at the rate of 4 kmph. He reaches the school 20 minutes earlier than the schedule time. If he walks at the rate of 3 kmph, he reaches the school 20 minutes late. What is the distance of the school from his house?
(A) 12 km✔X
(B) 480 km✔X
(C) 21 km✔X
(D) 8 km✔X
How many prime numbers lies between 1 to 100
(A) 26✔X
(B) 25✔X
(C) 24✔X
(D) 20✔X
The diameter of a circle is 10 cm. “P” is the point lying outside the circle. From that point “P” two tangents are drawn to the circle. The length of each tangent is 12 cm. What is the distance between “P” and the centre of the circle.
(A) 12 cm✔X
(B) 13 cm✔X
(C) 15 cm✔X
(D) 10 cm✔X
Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in
(A) Mitochondria✔X
(B) Chloroplast✔X
(C) Lysosome✔X
(D) Golgi bodies✔X
In Tamilnadu the centre for Stem Cell Research is located at
(A) Chennai✔X
(B) Coimbatore✔X
(C) Vellore✔X
(D) Madurai✔X
Match the List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list: List I List II Committee Purpose (a) Dutt Committee - 1. Industrial Licensing (b) Wanchoo Committee - 2. Direct Taxes (c) Rajamannar Committee - 3. Centre - States (d) Rangarajan Committee - 4. Disinvestment
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 1 2 4 3✔X
(C) 1 2 3 4✔X
(D) 4 1 3 2✔X
When was agriculture price commission set up?
(A) 1950✔X
(B) 1955✔X
(C) 1965✔X
(D) 1975✔X
Which country has taken over the Chair of the Group of 77 (G-77) for 2019?
(A) Palestine✔X
(B) China✔X
(C) Malaysia✔X
(D) Isreal✔X
Who has become the first Indian and Youngest man to Climb the Seven highest peaks and volcanic seemmits across all continents?
(A) Manta Sodha✔X
(B) Jaahvi Sriperambuduru✔X
(C) Malavath Purna✔X
(D) Satyarup Siddhanta✔X
Which of the following hormone is secreted by acidophilic cells?
(A) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)✔X
(B) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)✔X
(C) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)✔X
(D) Growth Hormone (GH)✔X
Name the white blood corpuscles which produces antibodies
(A) Lymphocyte✔X
(B) Monocyte✔X
(C) Neutrophil✔X
(D) Eosinophil✔X
Which of the above match is wrongly matched? Endangered Animals Residents
(A) Asiatic Lion - 1. Gir Forest, Gujarat✔X
(B) Sangai Deer - 2. Loktak Lake, Manipur✔X
(C) Kashmir Stag - 3. Kashmir Valley✔X
(D) Pygmy Hog - 4. Western Ghats✔X
The World’s first scanning Helium microscope is invented in 2016 by?
(A) India✔X
(D) German✔X
The famous musical inscription is found at
(A) Sittanavasal✔X
(B) Mandagapattu✔X
(C) Uttiramerur✔X
(D) Kudumiyanmalai✔X
Consider the Following. Assertion (A): Tungsten wire is used in Making filaments for Electric Lamps Reason (R): Tungsten has high Volatility
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A✔X
(B) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct Explanation of A✔X
(C) A is true but R False✔X
(D) A is False but R is true✔X
Choose which is incorrectly matched
(A) Surface Tension - 1. Nm-1✔X
(B) Linear Density - 2. Kg m -3✔X
(C) Angular Velocity - 3. rads -1✔X
(D) Pressure - 4. Nm-2✔X
The excavation of the Indus Valley Civilization was done in
(A) 1921✔X
(B) 1922✔X
(C) 1924✔X
(D) 1926✔X
Who among the following describes the constitution of India a “Paradise for lawyers”
(A) Sir Ivor Jennings✔X
(B) Granville Austin✔X
(C) Dr.B.R.ambedkar✔X
(D) John simon✔X
Match the following / சபாருத்துக. List I List II (a) MISA - 1980 (b) TADA - 2002 (c) NASA - 1971 (d) POTA - 1985 Codes / குறியீடுகள்
(A) 1 3 2 4✔X
(B) 3 4 1 2✔X
(C) 4 3 1 2✔X
(D) 4 2 3 1✔X
Green manures can be obtained from which of the following
(A) Cowdung and plant wastage✔X
(B) Sun-hemp and cluster bean✔X
(C) Sun-hemp and cowdung✔X
(D) Cowdung and animal wastage✔X
Which of the following electro- magnetic waves has the longest wave length?
(A) UV rays✔X
(B) Light rays✔X
(C) Gamma rays✔X
(D) Infrared rays✔X
35. Which of the following fungus produce basidiospore?
(A) Agaricus✔X
(B) Aspergillus✔X
(C) Mucor✔X
(D) Peziza✔X
Sides of 14 Square’s are 11 cm, 12 cm, 13 cm, ...... 24 cm, then find the total areas of 14 squares.
(A) 3515 cm2✔X
(B) 4515 cm2✔X
(C) 2115 cm2✔X
(D) 3215 cm2✔X
A Train travelled a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train had been 7 km/hr faster, it would have taken 14 hours less than the scheduled time. If the train were slower by 3 km/hr then it would have taken 10 hours more than the scheduled time. Find the distance covered by the train.
(A) 600 Km✔X
(B) 700 Km✔X
(C) 800 Km✔X
(D) 900 Km✔X
The radii of two circular ends of a fulcrum shaped bucket are 15 cm and 8 cm. If its depth is 63 cm, find the capacity of the bucket in litres (Take = 22 7 )
(A) 2.6994 litres✔X
(B) 26.994 litres✔X
(C) 269.94 litres✔X
(D) 2699.4 litres✔X
A function f : [-7, 6) ⇒R is defined as follows f(x) = { x 2 + 2x + 1 − 7 ≤ x < −5 x + 5 − 5 ≤ x ≤ 2 x − 1 2 < x < 6 what is the value of 4f(−3)−2 f(4) f (−6)− 4f (1) ?
(A) 2✔X
(B) 7 2✔X
(C) 2✔X
(D) 1✔X
Simplify: (log 75 16 − 2 log 5 9 + log 32 243)
(A) log 2✔X
(B) log 3✔X
(C) log 6✔X
(D) log 8✔X
If loga b = 1 2 ,logb c = 1 3 , and logc a = k 5 , find the value of k.
(A) 15✔X
(B) 30✔X
(C) 25✔X
(D) 35✔X
If log 2 = 0.30103, find the number of digits in 256.
(A) 15✔X
(B) 16✔X
(C) 17✔X
(D) 18✔X
A man takes 3 hours 45 minutes to row a boat 15 km downstream of a river and 2 hours 30 minutes to cover a distance of 5 km upstream. Find the speed of the river current in km/hr.
(A) 1 km/hr✔X
(B) 1.30 km/hr✔X
(C) 1.73 km/hr✔X
(D) 2 km/hr✔X
In one hour, a boat goes 11 km along the stream and 5 km against the stream. The speed of the boat in still water (in km/hr) is
(A) 3✔X
(B) 5✔X
(C) 8✔X
(D) 9✔X
A man sitting in a train which is travelling at 50 kmph observes that a goods train, travelling in opposite direction, takes 9 seconds to pass him. If the goods train is 280 m long, find its speed.
(A) 62 kmph✔X
(B) 50 kmph✔X
(C) 65 kmph✔X
(D) 55 kmph✔X
In which tax the incidence and impact is on one and the same person?
(A) Income tax✔X
(B) Sales tax✔X
(C) Value added tax✔X
(D) Service tax✔X
What is the percentage share of India’s urban population in 2011 census? (in percent)
(A) 48.5%✔X
(B) 45.2%✔X
(C) 37.5%✔X
(D) 31.2%✔X
The World’s First Human Rights TV Channel has been Launched in Which of the following Cities?
(A) New York✔X
(B) London✔X
(C) Berlin✔X
(D) Paris✔X
Two Glass are separated at an angle of 60o the object lies between the glass. How many images are obtained?
(B) 5✔X
(C) 2✔X
(D) 4✔X
Increase in Conductivity with increase in temperature is seen in?
(A) Insulators✔X
(B) Conductors✔X
(C) Semi-Conductors✔X
(D) Super ConductorsNair✔X
Which of the following cities has been named as the world Capital of Architecture for 2020?
(B) Rio de Janerio✔X
(C) Paris✔X
(D) Mebourne✔X
Polyspermy is avoided by the formation of ----- membrane around the ovum.
(A) Follicular membrane✔X
(B) Coranoradiata✔X
(C) Fertilisation membrane✔X
(D) Theca interna✔X
The insects like honey bees and sweet smelling flowers are the example of
(A) Zoophily✔X
(B) Entomopbhily✔X
(C) Anemophily✔X
(D) Hydrophily✔X
Hot deserts are located between 200 to 300 latitudes in both hemisphere on
(A)Western coast of continents✔X
(B)Eastern coast of continents✔X
(C) North western coast of continent✔X
(D)North eastern coast of continent✔X
Bamboo and pine trees are generally found in which climates
(A) Taiga✔X
(B) Tropical monsoon✔X
(C) Mediterranean✔X
(D) Savannah✔X
The Number of Countries signed the Paris Climate agreement on 22 April 2016 is?
(A) 140✔X
(B) 110✔X
(C) 175✔X
(D) 190✔X
What is the mass of Water in Oxygen and Hydrogen?
(A) 1:8✔X
(B) 8:1✔X
(C) 1:2✔X
(D) 2:1✔X
Write Descending order elements present in Human Body?
(A) O2, C, H2, N✔X
(B) C, O2, N2, H2✔X
(C) N2, H2, C, O2✔X
(D) H2, N2, O2, C✔X
Identify the correctly matched Pairs? 1. Asian Games 2018 - Jakarta, Palembang 2. Common wealth Games, 2018 - Gold Coast 3. Olympic Games 2020 - Tokyo
(A) 1 & 2✔X
(B) 2 & 3✔X
(C) 1 & 3✔X
(D) All of the above✔X
Choose the incorrect statement.
(A) Dholavira settlement of Indus valley civilization is known for the water management.✔X
(B) Buildings of Harappan settlements were made of burnt bricks✔X
(C) There was no proper drainage system available in the city of Mohenjadaro✔X
(D) The city of Mohenjodaro was on the banks of River Indus✔X
The founder of the Sayyid Dynasty was
(A) Khizr Khan✔X
(B) Muhammad Shah✔X
(C) Daulat Khan Lodi✔X
(D) Shersha✔X
Which one of the following provisions can be amended by a simple majority in the Parliament?
(A) Provisions relating to Executive power of the union✔X
(B) Provisions relating to Executive power of the state✔X
(C) Provisions relating to constitution of High Court for Union Territory✔X
(D) Provisions relating to composition of the legislative councils of the state✔X
Match the following (a) Article 44 - 1. Provision for free and compulsory education for children (b) Article 45 - 2. Promotion of educational and economic interests of SCs, STs and other weaker sections (c) Article 46 - 3. Uniform civil for citizens (d) Article 47 - 4. Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health
(A) 4 2 3 1✔X
(B) 3 2 1 4✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
(D) 3 1 2 4✔X
Which of the following is a saprophyte?
(A) Cuscuta✔X
(B) Venus flytrap✔X
(C) Santalum✔X
(D) Agaricus✔X
A train covers a distance of 12 km is 10 minutes. If it takes 6 seconds to pass a telegraph post, then the length of the train is
(A) 90 m✔X
(B) 100 m✔X
(C) 120 m✔X
(D) 140 m✔X
A 120 metre long train is running at a speed of 90 km/hr. it will cross a railway platform 230 m long in
(A) 4 4 5 seconds✔X
(B) 7 seconds✔X
(C) 9 1 5 seconds✔X
(D) 14 seconds✔X
A and B can do a piece of work in 45 and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but A leaves after some days and B finished the remaining work in 23 days. After how many days did A leave?
(A) 9 days✔X
(B) 10 days✔X
(C) 12 days✔X
(D) 15 days✔X
A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C together can do it in 15 days. If A is twice as good a workman as C, find in what time B alone can do it.
(A) 10 days✔X
(B) 12 days✔X
(C) 15 days✔X
(D) 20 days✔X
3 men and 4 women can earn ` 3780 in 7 days. 11 men and 13 women can earn ` 15040 in 8 days. In what time will 7 men and 9 women earn ` 12400?
(A) 10 days✔X
(B) 12 days✔X
(C) 15 days✔X
(D) 17 days✔X
The length breadth and height of a room is 8m, 10m, 4m respectively and there is a door of area 3 m x 1.5 m. find the cost of Plastering wall if it cost Rs. 200 per sq.m.
(A) Rs. 28,800✔X
(B) Rs. 59,900✔X
(C) Rs. 27,900✔X
(D) Rs. 60,800✔X
12 men can plough 2400 sq.m. of land in 10 days, how many men can plough 3600 sq.m. in 18 days?
(A) 10 men✔X
(B) 15 men✔X
(C) 18 men✔X
(D) 20 men✔X
The perimeter of a semicircle is 72 m find the area of the semicircle?
(A) 77 m2✔X
(B) 91 m✔X
(C) 126 m 2✔X
(D) 308 m 2✔X
The smallest number when divided by 5, 6, 7, 8 gives the remainder of 3 when it is divided by 9 there is no reminder.
(A) 1677✔X
(B) 1683✔X
(C) 2623✔X
(D) 3363✔X
4th & 7th term of a geometric progression series is 2 3 & 16 81 . Then find the 1st term?
(A) 2 3✔X
(B) 4 9✔X
(C) 8 27✔X
(D) 9 4✔X
In a cell division, cell plate is formed duringe
(A) Anaphase✔X
(B) Cytokinesis✔X
(C) Metaphase✔X
(D) Telophase✔X
The birth of economics of education was announced by
(A) Alfred Marshall✔X
(B) Karl Marx✔X
(C) Schultz✔X
(D) J.M. Keynes✔X
Match the following (a) National Rural Employment programme - 1. 1985 (b) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana - 2. 1993 (c) Indira Awas Yojana - 3. 1980 (d) Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana - 4. 1989
(A) 4 1 3 2✔X
(B) 3 4 2 1✔X
(C) 3 4 1 2✔X
(D) 1 2 3 4✔X
Who has been chosen for the first – ever Sheikh Saud International Prize for Materials Research?
(A) K. Radha Krishnan✔X
(B) K. Sivan✔X
(C) N.R. Rao✔X
(D) Madhavan Nair✔X
Masazo Nonaka, who passed away recently, was the World’s Oldest man of which Country?
(A) Japan✔X
(B) South Korea✔X
(C) China✔X
(D) Spain✔X
Concentration of Urine is controlled by
(C) LH✔X
Match the following: List I List II (a) Nyctalopia - 1. Vitamin D (b) Beri Beri - 2. Vitamin B6 (c) Osteomalacia - 3. Vitamin A (d) Dermatitis - 4. Vitamin B1
(A) 3 4 1 2✔X
(B) 1 4 3 2✔X
(C) 1 2 3 4✔X
(D) 3 2 1 4✔X
Which gas is responsible for the origin and growth of life on earth?
(A) Carbon di-oxide✔X
(B) Nitrogen✔X
(C) Oxygen✔X
(D) Neon✔X
Which of the following is an Iron ore?
(A) Bauxite✔X
(B) Lignite✔X
(C) Nitrite✔X
(D) Magnetite✔X
Which battle laid the foundation of the Mughal rule in India?
(A) Battle of Plassey✔X
(B) First Battle of Panipat✔X
(C) First Mysore War✔X
(D) Battle of Talikota✔X
Name the first English who visited the court of Jahangir in 1608?
(A) Sir Thomas Stephan✔X
(B) William Hawkins✔X
(C) Sir Thomas Roe✔X
(D) John Milden✔X
Match the following battles of Babur with their kings and choose the correct answer from the codes given below List – I List – II (a) Battle of Kanwah 1. Ibrahim Lodi (b) Battle of Chanderi 2. Rana Sanga (c) Battle of Ghagra 3. Medini Rai (d) Battle of Panipat 4. Mahmud Lodi
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 2 3 4 1✔X
(C) 1 4 3 2✔X
(D) 2 1 4 3✔X
Which house of Indian Parliament can create a new all India Service?
(A) Loksabha✔X
(B) Rajyasabha✔X
(C ) Parliament House✔X
(D) None of these✔X
Select the false statement from the following: 1. Prime minister is the head of state and the president is the head of government 2. Judiciary is the guardian of Indian constitution 3. High Courts in states comes under the jurisdiction of state government.
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 2 and 3✔X
(C) 1 and 3✔X
(D) 1, 2 and 3✔X
Which of the following would appear as the pioneer organisms on bare rocks?
(A) Lichens✔X
(B) Liverworts✔X
(C) Mosses✔X
(D) Green algae✔X
The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of ruminant animals, include the
(A) Halophiles✔X
(B) Thermoacidophiles✔X
(C) Methanogens✔X
(D) Eubacateria✔X
The World Intellectual Property Day is being observed on?
(A) March 15✔X
(B) February 13✔X
(C) April 26✔X
(D) December 10✔X
Golden Handshake scheme is associated with
(A) Establishing joint enterprises✔X
(B) Inviting foreign companies✔X
(C) Private investment in public enterprises✔X
(D) Voluntary retirement✔X
What is the amount of calories needed for a hardworking Indian Model Women (IRW), when she is working?
(A) 1610✔X
(B) 1800✔X
(C) 900✔X
(D) 826✔X
Which of the following states celebrates their 47th Statehood day on 21st January 2019?
(A) Arunachal Pradesh & Mizoram✔X
(B) Manipur, Meghalaya & Tripura✔X
(C) Manipur, Mizoram & Nagaland✔X
(D) Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya & Nagaland✔X
The Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Museum has recently inaugurated in which of the following cities?
(A) Port Blair✔X
(B) New Delhi✔X
(C) Tiruchirappalli✔X
(D) Kollam✔X
Which part of the human brain is concerned with the regulation of body temperature?
(A) Hypothalamus✔X
(B) Medulla oblongata✔X
(C) Cerebellum✔X
(D) Cerebrum✔X
Choose the incorrect statement: 1. India is one among the 20 Mega – Biodiversity countries of the world 2. Gulf of Mannar is the first Marine Biosphere Reserve in India
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both✔X
(D) None✔X
The highest peak of South India is
(A) Dodabeta✔X
(B) Anaimudi✔X
(C) Mahendragiri✔X
(D) Yercaud✔X
Which is the largest river system of Peninsular region?
(A) Godavari✔X
(B) Cauvery✔X
(C) Narmada✔X
(D) Mahanadi✔X
Which state of India has the largest area?
(A) Tamilnadu✔X
(B) Madhya Pradesh✔X
(C) Rajasthan✔X
(D) Uttar Pradesh✔X
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