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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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Which one of the following is/are correct? 1. Akbar’s tomb (Sikandara) was completed by Shajahan. 2. Agra Fort is situated on the bank of River Ganga. 3. Moti Masjid was built by Akbar. 4. Bulandarwaza was built in Fatehpur Sikri.
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 3 and 4✔X
(C) 1, 2, 3✔X
(D) 4 only✔X
Who introduced “Patta” system in land revenue collection?
(A) Akbar✔X
(B) Shershah✔X
(C) Alaudin Khilji✔X
(D) Aurangazeb✔X
Arrange in chronological order: 1. Invasion of Timur on Delhi. 2. Construction of QutbMinar. 3. Ascendency of Razia in Delhi. 4. Malik Kafur’s South Indian Invasion.
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4✔X
(B) 2, 3, 4, 1✔X
(C) 3, 1, 4, 2✔X
(D) 4, 3, 2, 1✔X
Which among the following was a source for the Arab conquest of Sind?
(A) Jawamiul-Hikayat✔X
(B) Chach-Nama✔X
(C) Taj-ul-Massir✔X
(D) Badshah Nama✔X
‘Ashtadiggajas’ were adorned by the court ofa
(A) Shivaji✔X
(B) Krishnadevaraya✔X
(C) Akbar✔X
(D) Harsha✔X
Match the following: (a) Babar - 1. Buland-Dar-waza (b) Humayun - 2. Kabul Bagh (c) Akbar - 3. Diwan-i-Khas (d) Shahjahan - 4. Din-panah
(A) 2 4 1 3✔X
(B) 2 1 3 4✔X
(C) 4 3 2 1✔X
(D) 4 3 1 2✔X
Who was the first Muslim ruler of Delhi?
(A) Iltutmish✔X
(B) Balban✔X
(C) QutbuddinAibak✔X
(D) Mahmud of Ghazni✔X
Arrange the visit of the following foreign travellers to India in chronological order. Choose your answer using the codes given below.
1. Marco Polo✔X
2. Nikitin✔X
3. Ibn Battutah✔X
4. Nicolo de Conti✔X
Who among the following is credited with the introduction of “Qawwali” musical tradition in India?
(A) Sikander Lodi✔X
(B) Muhammed Bin Tughlaq✔X
(C) Amir Khusrow✔X
(D) Tansen✔X
One of the following statements on Firuz Shah Tughlaq does not apply to him. Find it out.
(A) Firuz Shah Tughlaq received investiture from the Kalifa twice.✔X
(B) He taxed the people according to Koranic principle.✔X
(C) He exempted the Brahmins from payment of Jizya.✔X
(D) He planned and executed many welfare measures for the people.✔X
The tomb at Sasaram was built by
(A) Humayun✔X
(B) Sher Shah✔X
(C) Akbar✔X
(D) Babar✔X
Match the following and Select your answer using the codes given below. List – I List – II (a) Sangama dynasty - 1. Tirumala (b) Tuluva dynasty - 2. Timma Raya (c) Saluva dynasty - 3. Krishnsdevaraya (d) Aravidu dynasty - 4. Bukka II
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 3 2 1 4✔X
(C) 2 1 3 4✔X
(D) 1 2 3 4✔X
Who among the following was the contemporary leader of ChengizKhan?
(A) Balban✔X
(B) Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat Beg✔X
(C) JalaluddinSurkh-Posh Bukhari✔X
(D) Iltutmish✔X
Who was the first king of the Bahmani Empire?
(A) Feroz Shah✔X
(B) Muhammad Shah I✔X
(C) Aladdin Bahman Shah✔X
(D) Ahmad Shah✔X
Arrange the following divisions of the Vijayanagar Empire in descending order. 1. Rajyams 2. Kurrams 3.Valanadus 4. Nadus
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2✔X
(B) 1, 2, 4, 3✔X
(C) 3, 4, 2, 1✔X
(D) 2, 4, 3, 2✔X
To which civilization, does the Indus valley civilization belong?
(A) Urban✔X
(B) Suburban✔X
(C) Village✔X
(D) Foreign✔X
Which of the following is wrongly matched?
(A) Junagadh rock inscription – Rudradaman III✔X
(B) Aihole stone inscription – Pulakesin II✔X
(C) Mehrauli pillar inscription – Chandragupta II✔X
(D) Allahabad pillar inscription – Samudra Gupta✔X
The 23rd Tirthankar of Jainism was
(A) Rishabha deva✔X
(B) Parsvanath✔X
(C) Mahavira✔X
(D) Ajitanatha✔X
Match the following: Paintings States (a) Kalam Kari - 1. Andhra Pradesh (b) Madhu bani - 2. Bihar (c) Phad - 3. Rajasthan (d) Warli - 4. Maharashtra
(A) 1 3 2 4✔X
(B) 1 2 3 4✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
(D) 2 1 4 3✔X
The figure of a dancing girl made of bronze is excavated in the place of _________.
(A) Sind✔X
(B) Lothal✔X
(C) Mohenjodaro✔X
(D) Rupar✔X
Among the Sangam literature, find the odd man out
(A) Nattrinai✔X
(B) Kalithogai✔X
(C) Naladiyar✔X
(D) Kurunthogai✔X
Under whose reign, jain conference was held in vallabhi?
(A) Guptas✔X
(B) Mauryas✔X
(C) Satavahanas✔X
(D) Kushanas✔X
Match the following: (a) Mohenjadaro - 1. Gujarat (b) Kalibangan - 2. Punjab (c) Lothal - 3. Rajasthan (d) Harappa - 4. Sind
(A) 3 1 2 4✔X
(B) 4 3 1 2✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
(D) 2 4 3 1✔X
The Chief offensive Weapon of the Vedic period
(A) Sword✔X
(B) Axes✔X
(C) Spear✔X
(D) Bow and Arrow✔X
Ravi Kirti was a
(A) Saivite scholar✔X
(B) Vaishnavite poet✔X
(C) Jain author✔X
(D) Buddhist monk✔X
Which one of the following pair is correctly matched? 1. Saranath - Buddha’s birth place 2. Lumbini - Buddha got enlightenment 3. Bodh Gaya - First Sermon 4. Kusi Nagar - Buddha’s death place
(A) 1✔X
(B) 2✔X
(C) 3✔X
(D) 4✔X
The early Vedic period is known from
(A) The Epics✔X
(B) The Upanishads✔X
(C) The Rig Veda✔X
(D) The Aranyakas✔X
(During the period of Kaniskha, Buddhism had split into
(A) Two branches✔X
(B) Three branches✔X
(C) Five branches✔X
(D) Four branches✔X
Mauryan Judicial organizations and Legal procedures were based on the prescription of
(A) Buddism✔X
(B) Dharmashastras✔X
(C) Artha Sastra✔X
(D) Persian Law✔X
Match the following: List I List II Mahajanapadas Capitals (a) Gandhara - 1. Taxila (b) Kamboja - 2. Rajpura (c) Asmaka - 3. Potana/Potali (d) Saurasena - 4. Mathura
(A) 1 2 3 4✔X
(B) 2 1 3 4✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
31.Consider the following statements: 1. Ordinance of governor has to be passed by the Assembly within 1 month 2. The maximum recess period of the parliament is 3 months Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Which part of the Constitution of India says about the Election Commission?
(A) Part III✔X
(B) Part XV✔X
(C) Part XX✔X
(D) Part XXII✔X
Which of the following Indian States have a Bicameral Legislature?
1. Uttar Pradesh✔X
2. Bihar✔X
3. Chattisgarh✔X
4. Jammu and Kashmir✔X
Which of the following writs literally means ‘We Command’ ?
(A) Habeas Corpus✔X
(B) Mandamus✔X
(C) Quo Warranto✔X
(D) Certiorari✔X
Match the following: Members Portfolio held in 1947 (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad - 1. Finance (b) Dr. Shyam Prasad Mukherji - 2. Home, Information & Broad casting (c) R.M. Shanmugham Chetty - 3. Industries & supplies (d) Sardar Patel - 4. Education
(A) 3 4 2 1✔X
(B) 4 3 1 2✔X
(C) 4 3 2 1✔X
(D) 3 1 4 2✔X
Consider the following statements: Assertion (A): Article 32 deals with the right to Constitutional Remedies, without which the Constitution would be a nullity. Reason (R): Article 32 provides the right to move the Supreme Court by appropriate proceeding for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights guaranteed in the Constitution. Now select you answer according to the coding scheme given below:
(A) (A), (R) is false✔X
(B) (A) is alone is true✔X
(C) (R) is alone is true✔X
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select your answer using the codes given below. Assertion (A): The administrative reforms commission recommended Lokpal and Lokayukta Reason (R): These are for the Redressal of Citizens grievances
(A) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A✔X
(B) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A✔X
(C) A is True but R is false✔X
(D) A is False but R is correct✔X
38. Who among the following operates the National Disaster Response Fund which was constituted under the Disaster Management Act, 2005?
(A) Prime Minister✔X
(B) Union Minister for Home Affairs✔X
(C) Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs✔X
(D) Union Minister for Environment and Forests✔X
Match the following: (a) Article 20 - 1. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion. (b) Article 22 - 2. Protection in respect of conviction for offences (c) Article 26 - 3. Freedom to manage religious affairs (d) Article 27 - 4. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
(A) 2 3 4 1✔X
(B) 1 4 3 2✔X
(C) 1 3 4 2✔X
(D) 2 4 3 1✔X
Consider the following statements about delimitation commission: 1. Delimitation commission is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body. 2. The orders issued by delimitation commission cannot be challenged in any court. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in the four states of :
(A) Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland✔X
(B) Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram✔X
(C) Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur and Nagaland✔X
(D) Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur✔X
Which of the following High Courts has the largest jurisdiction in the country?
(A) Bombay High Court✔X
(B) Guwahati High Court✔X
(C) Allahabad High Court✔X
(D) Calcutta High Court✔X
Consider the following statement? 1. Constitution amendment bill is introduced only by Minister 2. If any cut motion passed by Lok Sabha is a expression of want of parliamentary confidence in the government and may lead to its resignation 3. Money bill cannot be amended or reject by Rajya Sabha 4. Unlike the appropriation bill, the amendments cannot be moved in the case of financial bill. Which of the above statement is wrong?
(A) 2, 3, 4✔X
(B) 2, 3✔X
(C) 1, 2, 4✔X
(D) 1, 4✔X
The Constituent Assembly completed its work of constitution making on
(A) 16th May, 1946✔X
(B) 9th December, 1948✔X
(C) 26th November, 1949✔X
(D) 26th January, 1950✔X
Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) Parliament has power to amend any part of the Constitution of India✔X
(B) Parliament has no power to amend Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India✔X
(C) Parliament cannot amend the Directive Principles of state policy✔X
(D) Parliament cannot amend the Federal character embodied in Constitution of India✔X
Match the following: (a) Article 39A - 1. Uniform civil code (b) Article 40 - 2. Equal Justice and free legal aid (c) Article 44 - 3. Organisation of village Panchayats (d) Article 43B - 4. Promotion of co-operative societies
(A) 2 3 4 1✔X
(B) 4 3 1 2✔X
(C) 4 1 2 3✔X
(D) 2 3 1 4✔X
Which of the following statement is correct? 1. Under Art 333, Governor can nominate one member from Anglo-Indian Community, if they are not adequately represented in the assembly 2. At present, delimitation of Territorial constituencies is based on the population of 2011 census. 3. The Legislative Assembly consist of representatives to a maximum strength of 500 and minimum of 60 is fixed. 4. Governor can pardon a death sentence if a state law prescribes for death sentence.
(A) 2, 3, 4✔X
(B) 1, 2, 4✔X
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4✔X
(D) 1, 3✔X
Consider the following statement regarding UT’s? 1. In Delhi, the assembly can make laws on all the matters of the state list and concurrent list. 2. The members in the assembly of Puducherry is in more number than Delhi. 3. 1992 onwards only NCT of Delhi has participated in the election of President. 4. Part VII of the constitution deals with the Union Territories. Which of the above statement is correct?
(A) 3 only✔X
(B) 1, 2, 4✔X
(C) 1, 3✔X
(D) All of the above✔X
With reference to defections, consider the following statements : 1. An independent member of Lok Sabha becomes disqualified if he joins any party after 6 months from the date on which he take his seat. 2. A nominated member of Lok Sabha becomes disqualified if he joins any party anytime. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Match the following: (a) Article 143 - 1. Pardoning power of President (b) Article 123 - 2. Council of Ministers to aid and advice President (c) Article 74 - 3. Advisory Jurisdiction of SC (d) Article 72 - 4. Ordinance making power of President
(A) 4 3 1 2✔X
(B) 3 4 2 1✔X
(C) 3 1 2 4✔X
(D) 4 1 2 3✔X
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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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