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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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51.Consider the following Statements: 1. In 1990, Laccadive, Minicoy, Amindivi Islands were renamed as Lakshdweep. 2. 35th Constitutional Amendment Act 1974 make Sikkim as full-fledged state of Indian Union. 3. In 2011, Pondicherry was renamed as Puducherry 4. Tamilnadu Legislative Assembly was established in 1937 as Madras Legislative Council Which of the above statement is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 4✔X
(B) 2, 3, 4✔X
(C) 1, 2✔X
(D) 3, 4✔X
EConsider the following statement regarding council of Ministers. 1. Under Article 75, Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to Lok Sabha 2. The word ‘cabinet’ is present in original constitution itself. 3. 86th Amendment Act 2002, fixed the total number of ministers including Prime Minister shall not exceed 15% of total strength of Lok Sabha. Which of the above statement is wrong?
(A) 1, 3✔X
(B) 1 only✔X
(C) 2, 3✔X
(D) 1, 2, 3✔X
The doctrine of fundamental right cannot be amended under Article 368 was propounded by the Supreme Court in which of the following cases?
(A) Gopalan Vs State of Madras✔X
(B) Keshavanand Vs State of Kerala✔X
(C) Golaknath Vs State of Punjab✔X
(D) Menaka Vs Union of India.✔X
Consider the following statement regarding Indian judiciary? 1. It is borrowed from US constitution. 2. Advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court is borrowed from Canadian model. 3. Its scope of judicial review is limited compared with American Supreme Court. 4. Under Art 143, the opinion expressed by Supreme Court to President is binding in nature. Which of the above statement is correct?
(A) 1, 2, 4✔X
(B) 2, 3✔X
(C) 1, 3, 4✔X
(D) All of the above✔X
Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Article 153 - Office of the Governor✔X
(B) Article 156 - Term of the Governor✔X
(C) Article 154 - Executive authority of Governor✔X
(D) Article 155 – Qualification for appointment as Governor✔X
Which one of the following statements is/are true with regard to formulation of the Government?
(A) There is a Rule in the Business of the Government which mentions that single largest party that gets majority will form the government✔X
(B) There is no written rules on inviting the single largest party or the Second largest party to form the government. It is a convention✔X
(C) There is a provision in Part I of the Constitution✔X
(D) Representation of Peoples Act provides for inviting the largest party to form the government✔X
57.Consider the following statement about Urban Local body? 1. 74th Amendment Act 1992, added a new part IX-A and Twelfth schedule containing 29 functional items of Municipalities. 2. In Tamil Nadu, there are 12 Municipal Corporations. 3. Recently Thanjavur and Dindigul were given the status of corporation Which among the above statements are wrong?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) 2, 3✔X
(D) 1, 2, 3✔X
The 44th constitutional amendment Act, 1978 relating to the declaration of national emergency requires the President of India to act in accordance with the
(A) Collective advice of the entire council of ministers✔X
(B) Written recommendation of the cabinet✔X
((C) Advice of the attorney general of India✔X
(D) Advice of the supreme court✔X
Consider the following statements: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is responsible for the audit of the accounts of 1. The Union Government. 2. State Government. 3. The governments of union territories. 4. The Urban and rural local bodies. Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3✔X
(B) 2, 3 and 4✔X
(C) 1, 3 and 4✔X
(D) 1, 2 and 4✔X
By which of the following amendments, the Indian President is bound to act according to the advice tendered to him by Cabinet?
(A) 42nd Amendment✔X
(B) 44th Amendment✔X
(C) 45th Amendment✔X
(D) 46th Amendment✔X
61.The Indian constitution has defined which of the following?
1. Scheduled Castes✔X
2. Scheduled Tribes✔X
3. Anglo-Indians✔X
In which of the following, council of states has equal powers with the house of people?
(A) In the matter of creating new All India Services✔X
(B) In amending the constitution✔X
(C) In the removal of the government✔X
(C) In the removal of the government✔X
If the president of India exercises his power as provided under Article 356 of the constitution in respect of a particular state, then
(A) The assembly of the state is automatically dissolved✔X
(B) Article 19 is automatically suspended✔X
(C) Parliament assumes the power to legislate on the subjects in the state list✔X
(D) Governor of that state assumes the power to legislate on the subjects in the state list✔X
Which is the first state in India where Panchayat raj system was implemented?
(A) Andhra Pradesh✔X
(B) Rajasthan✔X
(C) Tamil Nadu✔X
(D) Maharastra✔X
With reference to Finance Commission (FC), consider the following statements: 1. As the FC is a constitutional body, its recommendations are binding on the government. 2. The chairman of a FC is not eligible for reappointment. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Which one of the following language is not included in the 8th schedule?
(A) Maithili✔X
(B) Dogri✔X
(C) Tulu✔X
(D) Santhali✔X
Which of the following statements about ‘the RTE Act’ is false? 1. Catering to the age group of 6-14 2. Legal entitlement to free and compulsory education 3. Catering to the age group of 14-18 4. Meant for girl students alone
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 4 alone✔X
(C) 3 alone✔X
(D) 3 and 4✔X
The jurisdiction of UPSC can be extended by
(A) Government via a resolution✔X
(B) or (C) depending on the type of extension✔X
which year seats were reserved for women in local bodies in Tamil Nadu?
Consider the following statements : 1. There is no direct judicial remedies behind the Directive Principles of State Policy in India. 2. There are some direct judicial remedies for the Directive Principles of State Policy in India. of theseWhich of the above statement is correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) both✔X
(D) None of these✔X
71.Which chromosome occurs in cancer cells ?
(A) B - Chromosome✔X
(B) Double minutes✔X
(C) Super Numerary✔X
(D) Accessory Chromosomes✔X
Which disease is caused due to hyposecretion of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids from the adrenal cortex.
(A) Addison’s disease✔X
(B) Simmonds disease✔X
(C) Tetany✔X
(D) Cushing’s Syndrome✔X
An example of left-handed DNA
(A) B – DNA✔X
(B) Z – DNA✔X
(C) H – DNA✔X
(D) A – DNA✔X
Tissue grafted between syngeneic individuals
(A) Auto graft✔X
(B) Allograft✔X
(C) Isograft✔X
(D) Xenograft✔X
75.Match the Following: (a) ECG first record - 1. Chirstian Bernand (b) First heart operation - 2. Alexis coral (c) First artificial heart - 3. Korat koff operation (d) Sphygmomano meter - 4. Waller
1 2 3 4✔X
4 1 3 2✔X
4 1 2 3✔X
3 1 4 2✔X
Which inborn error metabolic disease is first to discovered in child?
(A) Albinism✔X
(B) Thalassemia✔X
(C) Huntington’s Chorea✔X
(D) Alkaptonuria✔X
77.Fluid accumulation in spleen and enlargement is
(A) Emaciation✔X
(B) Splenomegaly✔X
(C) Hepatomegaly✔X
(D) None of these✔X
Which is called Christmas disease?
(A) Haemophilia B✔X
(B) Haemophilia A✔X
(C) Haemophilia C✔X
(D) Parkinson disease✔X
The full form of ‘GIFT” Technique
(A) Gamete Internal Fertilisation and Transfer✔X
(B) Germ Cell Internal Fallopian & Transfer✔X
(C) Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer✔X
(D) Gamete Inseminated Fallopian Transfer✔X
Match the following: (a) Diphtheria - 1. Schick test (b) Scarlet Fever - 2. Wayson stain test (c) Plague - 3. Rose-wealer test (d) Rheumatoid Arthritis - 4. Dick Test
1 4 2 3✔X
3 4 1 2✔X
4 2 1 3✔X
3 2 4 1✔X
81.Choose incorrect statements 1. In infants, Hypothyroidism causes cretinism disease. 2. Hyposecretion of thyroxin in adults causes Gull’s disease 3. Thyrotoxicosis disease is caused due to hypersecretion of thyroxin.
(A) 2 only✔X
(B) 3 only✔X
(C) 2 and 3 Both✔X
(D) None of these✔X
The term bio diversity was coined by
(A) Walter G. Rosen✔X
(B) A.G. Tansley✔X
(C) Reiter✔X
(D) A & C✔X
83.Choose the correct statement 1. DPT vaccine is given for 6-week child 2. Polio vaccine is given for 15 days childe
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) 1 and 2✔X
(D) none of these✔X
84.Match the following (a) Monosomy - 1. 2n+2 (b) Nullisomy - 2. 2n+1 (c) Trisomy - 3. 2n-2 (d) Tetrasomy - 4. 2n-1
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 3 4 1 2✔X
(C) 4 2 1 3✔X
(D) 3 2 4 1✔X
Which vitamin deficiency causes osteomalacia in adults?
(A) Vitamin D✔X
(B) Vitamin C✔X
(C) Vitamin B2✔X
(D) Vitamin B12✔X
Choose the incorrect statement about Kwashiorkar 1. Protein deficiency disease 2. It affects children between 1 -5 years of age 3. Symptoms: Severe diarrhoea, loses weight 4. Diet mainly consists of carbohydrates.
(A) 2 and 3✔X
(B) 3 only✔X
(C) 2 and 4 only✔X
(D) 4 only✔X
Which Hormone opposes the parathyroid hormone?
The study of blood vessels is called as
(A) Haematology✔X
(B) Angiology✔X
(C) Histology✔X
(D) Cardiology✔X
Name the Human Disease caused due to autosomal dominant gene?
(A) Sickle Cell Anaemia✔X
(B) Thalasemia✔X
(D) Huntington’s Chorea✔X
Match the following: Hormone Work (a) Melatonin - 1. Energy Liberation (b) Thymosin - 2. Sleep Wake Cycles (c) T3 & T4 - 3. Heart Beat Rate (d) Epinephrine - 4. Immune Function
(A) 2 4 3 1✔X
(B) 3 4 2 1✔X
(C) 2 4 1 3✔X
(D) 3 2 1 4✔X
91.Which type of Immunoglobulin is protect against allergen?
(A) Ig A✔X
(B) Ig E✔X
(C) Ig M✔X
(D) Ig G✔X
‘Hysterectomy” is Surgical removal of
Vas deferens✔X
Mammary Glands✔X
Prostate gland✔X
Match the following (a) Cistron - 1. Unit of Mutation (b) Recon - 2. Unit of Recombination (c) Muton - 3. Unit of Function
(A) 1 2 3✔X
(B) 3 2 1✔X
(C) 3 1 2✔X
(D)2 3 1✔X
Who Developed a Technique called Nuclear Transplantation ?
(A) R. Briggs✔X
(B) T.King✔X
(C) J.Gurdon✔X
(D) A & B✔X
In Human Chromosome Karyotyping the Chromosome 4 and 5 belong to group
(A) Group A✔X
(B) Group B✔X
(C) Group C✔X
(D) Group D✔X
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is located in _____
(A) West Bengal✔X
(B) Uttrakhand✔X
(C) Rajasthan✔X
(D) Assam✔X
Match the following (A) Land Fills - 1. Liquid Waste (B) Deep Well Injection - 2. Military Waste (C) Surface Impoundments - 3. Medical Waste (D)Incineration - 4. Chemical Waste
2 1 4 3✔X
2 1 3 4✔X
1 2 3 4✔X
1 2 4 3✔X
The wall of the blood vessals are supplied with blood by
Vas Nervorum✔X
Exchange Vessels✔X
Vas Vasorum✔X
Capacitance Vessels✔X
Word Iodine Deficiency day is observed in
August 20✔X
October 20✔X
October 21✔X
September 20✔X
Match the following: (a) Superior Vena cava - 1. Thebesian Valve (b) Inferior vena cava - 2. Haversian Valve (c) Coronary sinus - 3. Eustasian Valve
2 3 1✔X
2 1 3✔X
3 2 1✔X
1 2 3✔X
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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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