Match the following. (a) Subsidiary alliance - 1. Lord Wellesley (b) Introduction of Civil Service - 2. Lord Cornwallis (c) Public works department - 3. Lord Curzon (d) Appointment of Police Commission - 4. Lord Dalhousie
(A) 1 2 4 3✔X
(B) 4 3 2 1✔X
(C) 1 2 3 4✔X
(D) 1 4 3 2✔X
The first British ‘Presidency’ in India was established at :
(A) Surat✔X
(B) Madras✔X
(C) Bengal✔X
(D) Bombay✔X
In the tenure of which Governor-General an attempt was made for the first time to codify Hindu and Muslim customary laws?
(A) Lord Cornwallis✔X
(B) Warren Hastings✔X
(C) William Bentinck✔X
(D) Charles Metcalfe✔X
Under which among the following acts, Civil Services started in India?
(A) Charter Act 1813✔X
(B) Charter Act 1833✔X
(C) Charter Act 1853✔X
(D) Charter Act 1793✔X
Consider the following statements regarding the General Service Enlistment Act 1. It was introduced by Lord Canning. 2. It compelled the sepoys to serve abroad. 3. This Act was introduced because sepoys refused to serve in Burma. Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 1 and 3✔X
(C) 2 and 3✔X
(D) 1, 2 and3✔X
Match the following (a) Lord William Bentinck - 1. Introduction of English as the official Language (b) Lord Warren Hasting - 2. Supreme Court at Calcutta (c) Lord Ripon - 3. Appointment of Education Commission (d) Lord Dafferin - 4. Establishment of the Indian National Congress
(A) 1 2 3 4✔X
(B) 2 1 3 4✔X
(C) 3 1 4 2✔X
(D) 2 3 1 4✔X
Consider the following statements with regards to SubsidiaryAlliance 1. This concept was first introduced by LordWellesley 2. Those Indian rulers who would accept the Subsidiary Alliance should agree not to fight with any other power without the permission of theBritish. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Consider the following statements with reference to Diwani rights 1. Diwani Rights were the rights granted to British East India Company to collect revenues and decide civil cases. 2. It was granted to British immediately after the battle of Buxar. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Which of the following pairs is/ are not correct? Reform movement Founders 1. PrarthanaSamaj - Atmaram Pandurang 2. Arya Samaj - Mula Shankar 3. Wahabi Movement - Syed Ahmed 4. Ramkrishna Mission - Vivekananda
(A) 2 only✔X
(B) 2 and 3✔X
(C) 3 and 4✔X
(D) None of the above✔X
Match the following List I with List II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below : List I List II (a) Magna Carta of India - 1. 1883 (b) Vernacular Press Act - 2. 1885 (c) Ilbert Bill - 3. 1878 (d) Indian National Congress - 4. 1858
(A) 3 4 1 2✔X
(B) 4 3 1 2✔X
(C) 2 3 1 4✔X
(D) 1 4 3 2✔X
Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. First Anglo Maratha war came to an end with the treaty of Salbai. 2. Dutch East India Company was formed in 1602. 3. English East India Company was formed in 1616.
(A) 1 and 3✔X
(B) 1 and 2✔X
(C) 2 and 3✔X
(D) 3 only✔X
Consider the following statements: 1. The French East India Company was set up in 1664 and its first factory was established in 1667 at Surat. 2. The French East India Company later set up forts and colonies in Chandernagore, Masulipatnam, Mahe etc., Which of the above are incorrect?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) None of the above✔X
Match the following (a) First Carnatic War - 1. 1746 (b) Second Carnatic war - 2. 1757 (c) Third Carnatic War - 3. 1749 – 54 (d) Battle of Plassey - 4. 1758 - 63
(A) 1 3 4 2✔X
(B) 1 3 2 4✔X
(C) 1 4 3 2✔X
(D) 1 4 2 3✔X
The outbreak of the “Seven Years War in Europe” led to
(A) First Carnatic War✔X
(B) Third Carnatic War✔X
(C) First Mysore War✔X
(D) Second Carnatic War✔X
In which of the following battle, the British East India Company achieved a major victory over the Portuguese?
(A) Battle of Buxar✔X
(B) Battle of Fort William✔X
(C) Battle of Cannore✔X
(D) Battle of Swally✔X
Which of the following is a major consequence of the Third Battle of Panipat?
(A) It cleared the way for the re-rise of Mughal Empire.✔X
(B) Ahmad Shah Abdali established firm control over North – WestIndia.✔X
(C) It cleared the way for the rise of British power in India.✔X
(D)Tipu Sultan became the rising power in South India.✔X
Consider the following statements regarding HaiderAli 1. He reintroduced Mughal administration and revenue system. 2. He introduced new system of coinage and new scale for weights and measures in Mysore. 3. He established a modern arsenal in Dindigal with the help of French experts. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 1 and 3✔X
(C) 2 and 3✔X
(D) 1, 2 and3✔X
Find wrongly matched pair in the following: 1. First Mysore War - Treaty of Mangalore 2. Second Mysore War - Treaty of Madras 3. Third Mysore War - Treaty of Srirangapatnam 4. Fourth Mysore War - System of Subsidiary Alliance Choose the correct code
(A) 2 only✔X
(B) 1 and 2✔X
(C) 2 and 3✔X
(D) 4 only✔X
Match the following: (a) 1 st Anglo Sikh War - 1. 1817 (b) 2nd Anglo Sikh War - 2. 1799 (c) 3rd Anglo Maratha War - 3. 1845 (d) 4th Mysore War - 4. 1848
(A) 2 1 4 3✔X
(B) 1 2 3 4✔X
(C) 4 3 2 1✔X
(D) 3 4 1 2✔X
Find out the wrongly matched pair
(a) Nanasahib - Kanpur✔X
(b) Khan Bahadur - Lucknow✔X
(c) Kunwar Singh - Bihar✔X
(d) Rani Laxmi Bai - Jhansi✔X
Consider the following statements regarding ‘PrarthanaSamaj’ 1. It was started by R.G.Bhandarkar, M.G. Ranade. 2. It preached monotheism 3. Its activities spread to South India by Telugu reformer Virasalingam. 4. It aims to reforming Hindu religious thought and practice by Vedic scriptures. Which of the above statement is/are correct?
(A) 1 and✔X
(B) 2 and 3✔X
(C) 2, 3 and 4✔X
(D) All the above✔X
Arrange the following pre-congress organisations in chronological order based on their establishment. 1. Bombay Presidency Association 2. Madras Mahajan Sabha 3. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 4. East India Association
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4✔X
(B) 3, 2, 1, 4✔X
(C) 4, 3,2,1✔X
(D) 4, 2, 3, 1✔X
Consider the following pairs. Which of the following pair(s) is/are correct? 1. Sir Charles Wood’s Despatch - 1854 2. Hunter Commission - 1884 3. University Act - 1904 4. Madras University - 1835
(A) 1 and 3✔X
(B) 2 and 4✔X
(C) 1 and 2✔X
(D) 3 and 4✔X
The Europeans involved in the Battle of Wandiwash in 1760 were
(A) The Portuguese and the French✔X
(B) The Dutch and the French✔X
(C) The French and the British✔X
(D) The Danish and the French✔X
Christian Missionaries were allowed to enter India after the passing of which Act?
(A) Charter Act of 1813✔X
(B) Charter Act of 1833✔X
(C) Charter Act of 1893✔X
(D) The Proclamation of Queen Victoria✔X
When and to whom did the Danesh sell all their settlements in India?
(A) 1745 - Portuguese✔X
(B) 1845 - British✔X
(C) 1800 - Dutch✔X
(D) 1776 - French✔X
Match List 1 with List 2 and select the answer using the codes given below the lists: List 1 List 2 (a) Cornwallis - 1. Subsidiary Alliance System (b) Wellesley - 2. Doctrine of Lapse (c) William Bentinck - 3. Separation of judicial and revenue administrations (d) Dalhousie - 4. Abolition of the Provincial Courts of Appeal and Circuit
(A) 1 3 4 2✔X
(B) 3 1 4 2✔X
(C) 3 1 2 4✔X
(D) 1 3 2 4✔X
Which one of the following Act separated executive and legislative functions of the Governor – General’s Council?
(A) The Regulating Act – 1773✔X
(B) The Indian Councils Act – 1853✔X
(C) The Indian Councils Act – 1833✔X
(D) The Act of 1784✔X
Arrange the following in Chronological order 1. Third Carnatic War 2. First Burmese War 3. First Mysore War 4. Second Afghan War
(A) 1, 4, 3, 2✔X
(B) 1, 3, 2, 4✔X
(C) 2, 4, 1, 3✔X
(D) 3, 1, 2, 4✔X
The person who defeated Hyder Ali at Chengam, Tiruvannamalai in 1767 was
(A) Smith✔X
(B) Sleeman✔X
(C) Munroe✔X
(D) Watson✔X
The foundation stone of the Hindu Benaras University was laid by
(A) Lord Wellesley✔X
(B) Lord Cornwallis✔X
(C) Lord Hardinge II✔X
(D) Lord Ellenborovgh✔X
Consider the following statements 1. In the Third Battle of Panipat, Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Ibrahim Lodi 2. Tipu Sultan was killed in the Third Anglo - Mysore war 3. Mir Jafar entered in a conspiracy with the English for the defeat of Nawab Siraj -ud- daulah in the Battle of Plassey. Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
(A) 1,2 and 3✔X
(B) 3 only✔X
(C) 1 and 3✔X
(D) none of these✔X
The Magna Carta of English Education in India’’ began only after the visit of
(A) Hunter✔X
(B) Sir Charles Wood✔X
(C) Macaulay✔X
(D) William Bentick✔X
Match the following (a) Civil Marriage Act - 1. 1853 (b) First Law Commission - 2. 1874 (c) Married Women’s Property Act - 3. 1872 (d) First Open Competitive - 4. 1833 Examination for Civil Service Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 2 4 1✔X
(B) 3 4 2 1✔X
(C) 1 2 3 4✔X
(D) 1 3 2 4✔X
The year in which the French lost Pondicherry to the English
(A) 1756✔X
(B) 1761✔X
(C) 1768✔X
(D) 1773✔X
The person responsible for the abolition of child marriage and polygamy in 1872 was
(A) Dayananda Saraswathi✔X
(B) William Jones✔X
(C) Kesab Chandra Sen✔X
(D) Jyotiba Phule✔X
Match the following Wars The British Generals in the Wars (a) Mysore War III - 1. Warren Hastings (b) Mysore War IV - 2. Wellesley (c) Maratha War I - 3. Cornwallis (d) Maratha War III - 4. Lord Hastings
(A) 3 2 1 4✔X
(B) 3 4 1 2✔X
(C) 4 1 2 3✔X
(D) 2 1 4 3✔X
Which of the following is/are wrongly matched? I. Lytton : Lee commission II. Mayo : scholarship scheme III. Ripon : Repeal of Vernacular Press Act IV. Canning : Queen Victoria’s Proclamation
(B) I, II✔X
(C) II, IV✔X
(D) I only✔X
Identify the correct statement 1. Vascoda Gama reached Calicut in the Western Coast of India in 1488 2. Zamorin was the ruler of Calicut who welcomed Vascoda Gama. 3. He revisted India in 1502.
(A) 1 and 2 Only✔X
(B) 2 and 3 Only✔X
(C) 1 and 3 Only✔X
(D) All the above✔X
Which of the following statement about Albuquerque is correct?
(A) He laid the foundation for Portuguese in India✔X
(B) He Encouraged the Portuguese Matrimonial relationship with indians✔X
(C) He Captured Goa in 1510✔X
(D) None of these✔X
Albuquerque defeated Bijapur sultan with the help of ?
(A) Viraballala✔X
(B) Pratapatudra✔X
(C) Krishnadevaraya✔X
(D) Kulasekara Pandya✔X
Match the following: Company Headquarters (a) Danes - 1. Goa (b) French - 2. Srirampur (c) Portugese - 3. Pulicat (d) Dutch - 4. Pondicherry Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4✔X
(B) 2 4 1 3✔X
(C) 4 2 3 1✔X
(D) 2 4 1 3✔X
In the year 1690, the Dutch shifted its head quarters from Pulicat to ____
(A) Machilpatnam✔X
(B) Bhimunipatnam✔X
(C) Gangpatnam✔X
(D) Nagapatnam✔X
Which of the following is/are correct about the Regulation Act of 1773? 1. It established a Supreme Court in Calcutta. 2. It appointed an executive council consisting of 8 members to assist the Governor General of Bengal. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
Who among the following Governor Generals is considered as the maker of Modern India?
(A) Lord William Bentinck✔X
(B) Lord Warren Hastings✔X
(C) Lord Dalhousie✔X
(D) Lord Cornwallis✔X
Consider the following statements regarding the Portuguese in India 1. They introduced tobacco cultivation in India. 2. They brought the first Printing Press to India in Goa. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor2✔X
Match the following: Treaty Between (a) Treaty of Madras - 1. British and Marathas (b) Treaty of Salbai - 2. Robert Clive and Shah Alam II (c) Treaty of Allahabad - 3. British and Hyder Ali (d) Treaty of Srirangapatinam - 4. Cornwallis and Nizam of Hyderabad
(A) 1 2 4 3✔X
(B) 3 1 2 4✔X
(C) 2 1 4 3✔X
(D) 3 2 1 4✔X
The villages Raksas and Tagdi related to which battle?
(A) Battle of Talikotta✔X
(B) Battle of Takkolam✔X
(C) Battle of Panipat 1761✔X
(D) Battle of Adayar✔X
In which year the widow remarriage was legally permitted?
(A) 1855✔X
(B) 1856✔X
(C) 1857✔X
(D) 1858✔X
Consider the following pairs 1. Wood’s Despatch - 1854 2. Hunter Commission - 1882 3. Vernacular press Act - 1880 4. Wardhaw Scheme of Education - 1904 Which of the pairs given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 4 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) 1 and 2✔X
(D) 2 and 3✔X
51.Match List I wish List II correctly and select answer: List I List II (a) Dupleix - 1. Nawab of Bengal (b) Anwar-ud-din - 2. British Admiral (c) Siraj-ud-Daula - 3. French Governor (d) Pollock - 4. Nawab of Carnatic
(A) 3 2 4 1✔X
(B) 1 2 3 4✔X
(C) 3 4 1 2✔X
(D) 1 3 4 2✔X
Fort William College at Kolkata was founded in the year
(A) 1806✔X
(B) 1810✔X
(C) 1805✔X
(D) 1800✔X
During 1857 revolt which army remained loyal to the British?
(A) Bombay Army✔X
(B) Bengal Army✔X
Madras Army✔X
(D) Avadh Army✔X
Which of the following is correct? The unhappiness of the Indian Sepoys at Barrackpore, first surfaced in 1824 because. 1. The 47th regiment at Barackpore was ordered to go to Burma. 2. Caste distinctions and segregations within the regiment. 3. Recruitment of Brahmins were discouraged 4. Introduction of the Enfield Rifle.
(A) 1 Only✔X
(B) 2 Only✔X
(C) 2 and 3 Only✔X
(D) 2 and 4 Only✔X
Who laid the foundation of the British Empire?
(A) Robert Clive✔X
(B) Lord Napier✔X
(C) Lord Ripon✔X
(D) Lord Cornwallis✔X
Satyartha Prakash was written by
Raja Rammohan Roy✔X
Debendranath Tagore✔X
Keshab Chandra Sen✔X
Dayanand Saraswati✔X
The Madras Native Association was started in
Consider the following statements: Assertion (A): The Marathas were defeated in the Third Battle of panipat in 1761 Reason (R): The Maratha’s policy of aggression and plunder brought their downfall. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true✔X
The Carnatic wars were fought between
(A) The Nawab of Carnatic and the British✔X
(B) The Nawab of Carnatic and the French✔X
(C) The British and the French✔X
(D) None of them✔X
Consider the following statements: 1. Zaminadari Association was founded in 1837 and was later known as Landholders Society 2. Zamindari Association merged with the British Indian Association within a decade of its formation. 3. British Indian Association was established by Dadabhai Naoroji Which among the above statements is/ are correct?
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 2 & 3✔X
(C) 1 & 3✔X
(D) All are correct✔X
Match the following. Public steel sector Country (a) Visakapatnam - 1. India (b) Durgapur - 2. Germany (c) Rourkela - 3. England (d) Salem - 4. Russia
(A) 1 2 3 4✔X
(B) 4 3 2 1✔X
(C) 1 2 4 3✔X
(D) 3 4 1 2✔X
Identify the correct statement? 1. The collective body usually the villagers which serve as a unit of Management – Ryotwari. 2. The ownership rights of use and control of land were held by tiller himself – Mahalwari.
(A) 1 only correct✔X
(B) 2 only correct✔X
(C) Both are correct✔X
(D) None✔X
Identify the year in which Industrial policy was not introduced ?
(A) 1980✔X
(B) 1956✔X
(C) 1987✔X
(D) 1948✔X
Brown Revolution deals with______
(A) Fertilizers✔X
(B) Prawn✔X
(C) Leather✔X
(D) Potato✔X
The main theme of the Twenth Fiver Year Plan.
(A)Faster and more inclusive growth.✔X
(B)Growth with social justice✔X
(C)Socialistic pattern of society✔X
(D)Faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth✔X
The main objectives of Nationalisation of banks was ___________
(A) Social welfare✔X
(B) To earn✔X
(C) Industries monopoly✔X
(D) None of these✔X
The oldest large scale industry in India
(A) Cotton✔X
(B) Jute✔X
(C) Steel✔X
(D) Cement✔X
Which of the following bank is not Nationalized in the year 1980?
(A) Andhra Bank✔X
(B) Vijaya Bank✔X
(C) New Bank of India✔X
(D) Dena Bank✔X
Identify the correct statement regarding special Economic Zones? 1. Special Economic Zone policy was announced in 2000. 2. It aims is to increase trade, investment, and Job creation. 3. India’s first SEZ was set up at Cochin. Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 1 and 2 only✔X
(C) 2 and 3 only✔X
(D) All are correct✔X
Assertion (A): When there is inflation in a country, the central bank tries to control it by following dear money policy. Reason (R): Dear money denotes a phase in which loans are available at low rates of interest.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true✔X
Which of the following is not Adam Smith’s Canons of Taxation? 1. Canon of equality 2. Canon of certainty 3. Canon of expenditure 4. Canon of economy
(A) 1✔X
(B) 2✔X
(C) 3✔X
(D) 4✔X
Identify the wrong statement: 1. Uniform tax rate is imposed on the rich as well as poor – progressive tax. 2. The tax rate increases as the tax base increases – Proportional tax. 3. The Poorer sections of the society are taxed at higher rates than the riches section – Regressive tax.
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 1 and 2✔X
(C) 2 only✔X
(D) 1 and 3✔X
The Zero Based Budget on every year is considered as a
(A) Base year✔X
(B)Financial year✔X
(C) New Year✔X
(D) Academic year✔X
Which of the following banks is providing credit to the Agriculture Sector?
(A) Cooperative banks✔X
(B) Commercial Banks✔X
(C) State banks of India✔X
(D) All the Above✔X
The success of Green Revolution depends on the availability
(A) High yielding variety of seeds✔X
(B) Adequate irrigational facilities✔X
(C) Chemical fertilizers and pesticides✔X
(D) All the Above✔X
Durgapur, Bhilai and Rourkela was setup during which of the Five Year Plan?
(A) 1st Plan✔X
(B) 2nd Plan✔X
(C) 3rd Plan✔X
(D) 4th Plan✔X
Consider the following statements 1. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was launched in the seventh five-year plan 2. Small scale and food processing industries were given new impetus in seventh five-year plan Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 only✔X
(C) Both 1 and 2✔X
(D) Neither 1 nor 2✔X
When did the Kisan credit card schemes for the farmers started in India?
(A) 1995-1996✔X
(B) 1998-1999✔X
(C) 2005-2006✔X
(D) 2007-2008✔X
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below List I List II (a) Income tax 1. Levied and collect by the central government (b) Corporation tax 2. Levied and collected by the central government and shared with the state government (c) Professional tax 3. Levied by the central government but collected and appropriated by the state government (d) Stamp duties 4. Levied and collected by the state government
(A) 1 2 3 4✔X
(B) 2 3 4 1✔X
(C) 2 1 4 3✔X
(D) 3 1 4 2✔X
The Co-operative Societies Act was passed in
(A) 1904✔X
(B) 1906✔X
(C) 1908✔X
(D) 1912✔X
Which committee recommended the formation of Bhartiya Mahila bank?
(A) C.E. Kamath committee✔X
(B) Gadgil committee✔X
(C) D.R. Mehta committee✔X
(D) M.B.N. Rao committee✔X
The RBI uses which of the following instruments for quantitative control of credit 1. Cash Reserve Ratio 2. Bank Rate 3. Open Market operation 4. Margin requirements
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 2 and 4✔X
(C) 1 , 2 and 3✔X
(D) 1, 2, 3 & 4✔X
Match List I wish List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List I List II (A) First Plan 1. Growth with social justice (B) Third plan 2. Sustainable inclusive growth (C) Fifth plan 3. Self-reliant and self-generating economy (D)Twelfth plan 4. Agriculture, irrigation and power project.
(A) 4 2 3 1✔X
(B) 2 3 4 1✔X
(C) 4 3 1 2✔X
(D) 4 1 3 2✔X
What is the main objective of credit control adopted by RBI? 1. To achieve price stability 2. To control credit 3. To control inflation and price stability
(A) 1 & 3✔X
(B) 3 only✔X
(C) 2 only✔X
(D) 1, 2 & 3✔X
Inflation denotes which of the following situation
(A) Price level rises – Money value falls✔X
(B) Price level rises – Money value rises✔X
(C) Price level falls – Money value falls✔X
(D)Price level falls – Money value rises✔X
In which Five Year Plan ,did the Indian Economy crossed barrier of Hindu rate of growth?
(A) 15th Plan✔X
(B) 7th plan✔X
(C) 9th Plan✔X
(D) 6th Plan✔X
Which Five Year Plan gave importance to development of basic and heavy industries?
(A) I✔X
(B) II✔X
(D) IV✔X
The strategy of rolling plan was adopted during the prime ministership
(A) Lal Bahadur Sastri✔X
(B) Indira Gandhi✔X
(C)Moraji Desai✔X
(D) Rajiv Gandhi✔X
Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the decreasing order of contribution of different sectors to the GDP in India?
(A) Services, Industry, Agriculture✔X
(B) Services, Agriculture, Industry✔X
(C) Industry, Services, Agriculture✔X
(D) Industry, Agriculture, Services✔X
A rise in general level of prices may be caused by___ 1. An increase in the money supply 2. A decrease in the aggregate level of output 3. An increase in the effective demand
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 1 and 2 only✔X
(C) 2 and 3 only✔X
(D)1, 2 and 3✔X
In the ‘Index of Eight Core Industries’, which one of the following is given the highest weight?
(A) Coal production✔X
(B) Electricity generation✔X
(C) Fertilizer production✔X
(D) Steel production✔X
In an open economy, GDP is the sum of
(A) Consumption, gross investment, government spending and net exports✔X
(B) Consumption, net investment, government spending and net export✔X
(C) Consumption, gross investment, government spending and gross export✔X
(D) Wages, rent, interest, profit and depreciation✔X
The LPG model of development was introduced in __________ by the Finance Minister ___________
(A) 1991, Dr. Manmohan Singh✔X
(B) 1995, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee✔X
(C) 2000, Shri P. Chidambaram✔X
(D) 2010, Shri. Yashwant Sinha✔X
The structure of Indian Financial System does not include
(A) Industrial finance✔X
(B) Agricultural finance✔X
(C) Development finance✔X
(D) Deficit finance✔X
The Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) policy for fertilizers was implemented in India in
(A) 1966✔X
(B) 1977✔X
(C) 1991✔X
(D) 2010✔X
‘’Indradhanush’’ introduced by the Central Government in August 2015 which aims at:
(A) Establishing a separate ombudsman for private sector banks✔X
(B) Reviving or revamping public sector banks✔X
(C) Reviving non-banking financial institutions✔X
(D) Introducing new banks in rural India✔X
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act was passed in the year
(A) 1986✔X
(B) 1991✔X
(C) 1999✔X
(D) 2005✔X
RBI launched the Market Stabilization Scheme (MSS) in 2004 which aims at
(A) For the sale and purchase of Indian Currency.✔X
(B) As an additional channel to mop up liquidity.✔X
(C) To fix the rate of interest at the lower level.✔X
(D)To control the general price level.✔X
Consider the following statement: Assertion (A): According to the New Economic Policy Globalization is considered as an instrument of growth. Reason (R): Globalization increases the cost of transport and communication. Which is the correct answer?
(A) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.✔X
(B) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.✔X
(C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.✔X
(D) (A)and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).✔X
When was National Agricultural Insurance Scheme introduced?
(A) 1979-1980✔X
(C) 1999-2000✔X
(D) 2009-2010✔X
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