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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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Which one of the following serves as “Smoke Screens”?
(A) PCl5✔X
(B) P2O3✔X
(C) P2O5✔X
(D) PH3✔X
Which Of the following statements about urea is incorrect?
(A)It does not change the pH of the soil✔X
(B)It has highest nitrogen content equal to 76.6%✔X
(C)It is not subjected to fire / explosion hazards✔X
(D)It can be used for all crops and soils✔X
103.Which of the following acid dissolves pearls?
(A) Oxalic Acid✔X
(B) Formic Acid✔X
(C) Acetic Acid✔X
(D) Tonic Acid✔X
Which of the following is called “Oil of Mirbane”?
(A) Nitrotoluene✔X
(B) Nitrobenzene✔X
(C) Glyceryl trinitrate✔X
105.Match the following Types of Hybridisation Geometry (a) SP3 - 1. Linear (b) SP2d - 2. Tetrahedral (c) SP3d2 - 3. Octahedral (d) SP - 4. Square Planner
(A) 2 4 3 1✔X
(B) 1 2 3 4✔X
(C) 3 1 2 4✔X
(D)2 4 1 3✔X
Which is used for plastering fractured bones and in making casts for statues?
(A)Mohr’s Salt✔X
(B) Potash Alum✔X
(C) Carnallite✔X
(D) Plaster of Paris✔X
A base is a substance which gives OHions in water
(A)Arrhenius concept✔X
(B) Lewis concept✔X
(C) Bronsted – Lowry Concept✔X
(D) Usanovich Concept✔X
Which of the following is used is the manufacture of explosives like TNT, GTN?
(A) Nitric Acid✔X
(B) Nitrous Oxide✔X
(C) Nitrous Acid✔X
(D) Nitrogen dioxide✔X
Match the following (A) Insecticides 1. 2,4-D (B) Fungicides 2. Arsenic (C) Weedicides 3. Bordeaux Mixture (D)Rodenticides 4. Malathition
(A) 1 3 2 4✔X
(B) 4 3 2 1✔X
(C) 4 3 1 2✔X
(D) 1 2 3 4✔X
Tikka Disease in Ground nut is Caused by
Cercospora Arachidicola✔X
(B) Cercospora Personata✔X
(C) Sudomonos✔X
(D) A & B✔X
111.According to Lux – Flood Concept, a base is a / an
(A) Hydroxide ion donor✔X
(B) Proton acceptor✔X
(C) Electron Donor✔X
(D) Oxide ion Donor✔X
EWhich of the following salt is used to prepare insecticide?
(A) Na2 Co3✔X
(B) NaCl✔X
(C) Copper Sulphate✔X
(D) Potassium Nitrate✔X
Azolla is used as biofertilizer as it has
(A) Rhizobium✔X
(B) Mycorrhiza✔X
(C) Nitrosomonas✔X
(D) Cyanobacteria✔X
Arrange the following in increasing order of its calorie value.
(A) Coal, Natural gas, LPG, Methane, Hydrogen.✔X
(B) Coal, Methane, Natural gas, Hydrogen, LPG✔X
(C) Natural gas, Coal, Methane, Hydrogen, LPG✔X
(D) Methane, Coal, LPG, Hydrogen, Natural gas✔X
Chile salt peter is
(A) Sodium Nitrate✔X
(B) Sodium Chloride✔X
(C) Sodium Oxide✔X
(D) Sodium Sulphate✔X
Who is called Father of Modern Organic Chemistry
(A) Werner✔X
(B) Friedrich Wohler✔X
(C) Lavoisier✔X
(D) Allen Bard✔X
Match the following Plastics Resin Code (a) Polyvinyl Chloride - 1. 07 (b) Polystyrene - 2. 06 (c) Polycarbonate - 3. 03
(A) 1 3 2✔X
(A) 1 3 2✔X
(C) 3 2 1✔X
(D)3 1 2✔X
Consider following statement regarding carbon 1. It belongs to group 15 of the periodic table 2. Carbon is an inseparable chemical entity associated with living things. 3. Carbon chemistry is also called as living chemistry. 4. Carbon is found both in free state as well as combined stone in nature. Which of the above statement is/are incorrect?
(A) 2 only✔X
(B) 1 and 4 only✔X
(C) 1 only✔X
(D) 2 and 4 only✔X
The Ore Concentrated by Froth Floatation process is
(A) Chromite✔X
(B) Rutile✔X
(C) Galena✔X
(D) Monazite✔X
Nitrolium is
(A) Ca (No3)2 CaO✔X
(B) CaCO3✔X
(C) CaCN2✔X
(D) CaNO3✔X
98th term of the infinite series 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, ........... is
(A) 1✔X
(B) 2✔X
(C) 3✔X
(D) 4✔X
The average salary of workers of a factory is `6000, while the average salary of 150 technicians is `12000 and that of non-technicians is `3750. Find the total number of workers in the factory.
x (2x+y+z) = y (x+2y+z) = z (x+y+2z) = a, then find a, if x + y + z ≠ 0
(A) 1✔X
(B) 1 \4✔X
(C) 1\ 2✔X
(D) 1\8✔X
A number when divided by 6 leaves remainder 3. When the square of the same number is divided by 6, find the remainder.
(A) 1✔X
(B) 3✔X
(D) 4✔X
When a producer allows 36% commission on the retail price of his product, he earns a profit of 8.8%. What would be his profit percent if the commission is reduced by24%
(B) 33%✔X
(D) 49.6 %✔X
Find the remainder when (257166 – 243166) is divided by 500.
(A) 0✔X
(D) 20✔X
If a\ b = 1 \3 , b \c = 2, c \d = 1 \2 , d \e = 3 and e \f = 1 \4 , then what is the value of abc
(A) 1\ 4✔X
(B) 3\ 4✔X
(C) 3\8✔X
(D) 27\4✔X
.If x, y, z and w be the digits of a number beginning from the left, the number is
(A) xyzw✔X
(B) wzyx✔X
(C) x + 1oy + 100z + 1000w✔X
(D) 103x + 102y + 10z + w✔X
Mansi purchased a car for `2,50,000 and sold it for `3,48,000. What is the percent profit she made on the car?
(A) 39.2%✔X
130.Peter got 30% of the maximum marks in an examination and failed by 10 marks. However, Paul who took the same examination got 40% of the total marks and got 15 marks more than the passing marks. What were the passing marks in the examination?
(A) 70✔X
(B) 75✔X
(C) 85✔X
(D) 95✔X
The prime numbers dividing 143 and leaving a remainder of 3 in each case are
(A) 2 and 11✔X
(B) 11 and 13✔X
(C) 3 and 7✔X
(D) 5 and 7✔X
The average of the first nine prime numbers is
(A) 9✔X
(B) 11✔X
(C) 11 1\9✔X
(D) 11 2\9✔X
A shopkeeper buys 144 eggs at 90 paise each. On the way 20 eggs were broken. He sold the remaining eggs at `1.20 each. The percentage gain or loss is
(A) 4.8% loss✔X
(B) 8.5% loss✔X
(C) 12.9% gain✔X
(D) 14.8% gain✔X
854 x 854 x 854−276 x 276 x 276\854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276854 x 854+ 854 x 276+ 276 x 276
(A) 1130✔X
(B) 578✔X
(C) 565✔X
(D) 1156✔X
The mean of 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72 is
(A) 10✔X
(B) 20✔X
(C) 30✔X
(D) 40✔X
The arithmetic mean of the series 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, .... , 2n is
The average price of three items of furniture is ₹15000. If their prices are in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7, the price of the cheapest item is
(A) ₹9000✔X
(B) ₹15000✔X
(C) ₹18000✔X
(D) ₹21000✔X
What is the number of prime factors contained in the product 307 x 225 x 3411?
(A) 49✔X
(B) 51✔X
(C) 52✔X
(D) 53✔X
139.If a b = 4 5 and b c = 15 16 , find the value of c 2− a 2 c 2+ a2
(A) 7 25✔X
(B) 1 20✔X
(C) 22 43✔X
(D) 5 12✔X
140.The digit in the unit’s place of the number (67)25 – 1 must be
(A) 0✔X
(B) 6✔X
(C) 8✔X
(D) none✔X
In an objective examination of 90 questions, 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and 2 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions a student got a total of 387 marks. Find the number of questions that he attempted wrong.
(A) 6✔X
(B) 7✔X
(C) 8✔X
(D) 9✔X
The ratio of milk and water in 64 litres of a mixture is 5 : 3. What amount of water is added to make the ratio 3 : 5?
(A) 42 2\ 3 litres✔X
(B)41 litres✔X
(C) 24 2\ 3 litres✔X
(D) 22 litres✔X
The cost of 4 bags and 3 boxes is ` 555 and the cost of 3 bags and 4 boxes is ` 460. What is the cost of one bag?
(A) 100✔X
(B) 130✔X
(C) ` 120✔X
144.If y + 1 z = 1 and x + 1 y = 1, then what is the value of xyz?
(A) - 1✔X
(B) 0✔X
(C) 1\2✔X
(D) 1✔X
The difference between the squares of two consecutive odd integers is always divisible by
(A) 3✔X
(B) 6✔X
(C) 7✔X
(D) 8✔X
146.Ram went to a shop to buy 50 kg of rice. He buys two varieties of rice which cost him ` 4.50 per kg and ` 5 per kg. he spends a total of ` 240. What was the quantity of rice bought which cost him ` 4.50 per kg?
(A) 18kg✔X
(D) 20 kg✔X
A tin of oil was 4 5 full. When 6 bottles of oil were taken out and four bottles of oil were poured into it, it was 3 4 full. How many bottles of oil can the tin contain?
(A) 30✔X
(B) 40✔X
(C) 50✔X
(D) 70✔X
148.When simplified, the product (2 − 1 3 ) (2 − 3 5 ) (2 − 5 7 ) ... . . (2 − 997 999) is equal to
(A) 5 999✔X
(B) 1001 999✔X
(C) 1 1001✔X
(D) 1001\3✔X
149.The ages of Chinmay and Maulik are in the ratio of 5 : 2 respectively. After 7 years, the ratio of their ages will be 4 : 3. What is the age of Chinmay?
(A) 14 years✔X
(B) 10 years✔X
(C) 7 years✔X
(D) 5 years✔X
150.A number when divided by 136 leaves remainder 36. If the same number is divided by 17, the remainder will be
(A) 2✔X
(C) 7✔X
(D) 9✔X
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We have uploading tnpsc online test series for tnpsc exams like Group 1, group2, group 4, TNUSRB constable and SI, TN Forest, Railway, Bank, All government exams. Make use of this tnpsc test series daily and this will surely helpful for your dreams to true.
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