When there is increase in economic development, the share of tertiary (service) sector in National Income will
(A) Increase✔X
(B) Decrease✔X
C) Remain constant✔X
(D) Remain proportional✔X
Who among the following computed National Income on the basis of Scientific method?
(A) Prof. Mahalanobis✔X
(B) Dr.K.N.Raj✔X
(C) Dr.V.K.R.V.Rao✔X
(D) Dr. C.N.Vakil✔X
Agricultural holding tax was recommended by
(A) John Mathai Committee✔X
(B) Bhoothalingam Committee✔X
(C) Wanchoo Committee✔X
(D) Raj Committee✔X
Which commodity forms the single largest item of India’s import?
(A) Electronics✔X
(B) Organic Chemicals✔X
(C) Gold✔X
(D) Oil (fuel)✔X
The socialist pattern of society was first articulated in the
(A) First Five – Year Plan✔X
(B) Annual plans✔X
(C) Second Five – Year plan✔X
(D) Eight Five – Year Plan✔X
The Green Revolution has led to marked increase in 1. Productivity of Wheat 2. Productivity of Pulses 3. Regional inequalities 4. Inter-personal inequalities Which of the above statements is correct?
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 3 and 4✔X
(C) 1, 3 and 4✔X
(D) All are correct✔X
SEBI has introduced rolling for selection shares under which of the following method
(A) All shares have to be paid for on the day of purchase✔X
(B) Purchase has to make advance payment for the share✔X
(C) Purchase can be set off against sales✔X
(D)Payment has to be settled at the end of 5th day✔X
Match List-I with List-II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: List-I List-II (a) IFCI - 1. 1955 (b) ICICI - 2. 1964 (c) IDBI - 3. 1948 (d) EXIM bank - 4. 1971 Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 3 2 4 1✔X
(C) 3 1 2 4✔X
(D)2 3 4 1✔X
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Industrial policy statement - 2002✔X
(B) Report on the committee on disinvestment of shares (Rangarajan committee)— 1987✔X
(C) Pradhan Mantri Gramodhaya Yojana - 2000✔X
(D) Start of Tenth Five-Year Plan - 2005✔X
Match the following Plan Proposer (a) Bombay Plan - 1. Jai Prakash Narain (b) Gandhian Plan - 2. MN Roy (c) People’s Plan - 3. Sriman Narayan (d) Sarvodaya Plan - 4. Birla & Tata Group Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 2 1✔X
(B) 3 2 4 1✔X
(C) 1 2 3 4✔X
(D) 1 4 2 3✔X
Which one of the following is the traditional small industry?
(A) Sugar industry✔X
(B) Steel industry✔X
(C) Khadi and handloom✔X
(D) Jute industry✔X
Who prepared the fifth Five Year Plan
(A) Mahalanobis✔X
(B) K.C. Panth✔X
(C) Vaghela✔X
(D) D.D. Dhar✔X
Temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue is called:
(A) cess✔X
(B) rate✔X
(C) fee✔X
(D) surcharge✔X
The Monetary and Credit Policy is announced by which of the following?
(A) Ministry of Finance in Centre✔X
(B) Reserve Bank of India✔X
(C) State Bank of India✔X
(D) Planning Commission of India✔X
When the Bank rate increases, the demand for loans
(A) Reduces✔X
(B) Increases marginally✔X
(C) Remains unchanged✔X
(D) Increases drastically✔X
Which one of the following is not an objective of RBI?
(A) Economic stability✔X
(B) Issue of currency✔X
(C) Advancing loans to public✔X
(D) Maintenance of Foreign Exchange Reserves✔X
Monetary policy includes
(A) Regulation of Money✔X
(B) Provides employment✔X
(C) Credit Control✔X
(D) All of these✔X
Consider the following statement which is/are correct? 1. RBI was formed based on the recommendation of Hilton Young Commission 2. RBI act – 1934 3. RBI was nationalized on Jan 1, 1949.
(A) 1 and 2 only✔X
(B) 1 and 3 only✔X
(C) 2 and 3✔X
(D)All the above✔X
There has been a persistent deficit budget year after year. which action / actions of the following can be taken by the Government to reduce the deficit? 1. Reducing revenue expenditure 2. Introducing new welfare schemes 3. Rationalizing Subsidies 4. Reducing import duty
(A) 1 only✔X
(B) 2 and 3 only✔X
(C) 1 and 3 only✔X
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4✔X
To explain the simple theory of income determination, Keynes used,
(A) Consumption and Investment✔X
(B) Aggregate demand and aggregate supply✔X
(C) Production and Expenditure✔X
(D) All the above✔X
121.If 20 men can build a wall 56 metres long in 6 days, what length of a similar wall can be built by 35 men in 3 days?
(A) 49✔X
(B) 56✔X
(C) 53✔X
(D) 60✔X
If 12 men or 18 women can do a work in 14 days, then in how many days will 8 men and 16 women do the same work?
(A) 10✔X
(B) 7✔X
(C) 9✔X
(D) 12✔X
56 men can complete a piece of work in 24 days. In how many days can 42 men complete the same piece of work?
(A) 18✔X
(B) 32✔X
(C) 48✔X
(D) 98✔X
12 men working 8 hours per day complete a piece of work in 10 days. To complete the same work in 8 days, working 15 hours a day, the number of men required, is:
(A) 4✔X
(B) 5✔X
(C) 6✔X
(D) 8✔X
If 12 carpenters, working 6 hours a day, can make 460 chairs in 24 days, how many chairs will 18 carpenters make in 36 days, each working 8 hours a day?
(A) 1260✔X
(B) 1320✔X
(C) 920✔X
(D) 1380✔X
A cistern has two taps which fill it in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. There is also a waste pipe in the cistern. When all the three are opened, the empty cistern is full in 20 minutes. How long will the waste pipe take to empty the full cistern?
(A) 10 minutes✔X
(B) 12 minutes✔X
(C) 15 minutes✔X
(D) 20 minutes✔X
Three pipes A, B and C are attached to a tank. A and B can fill it in 20 and 30 minutes respectively while C can empty it in 15 minutes. If A, B and C are kept open successively for 1 minute each, how soon will the tank be filled?
(A) 2 hrs 45 min✔X
(B) 2 hrs 47 min✔X
(C) 2 hrs 50 min✔X
(D) 2 hrs 40 min✔X
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 minutes and 32 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, after how much time B should be closed so that the tank is full in 18 minutes?
(A) 5 min✔X
(B) 9 min✔X
(C) 10 min✔X
(D) 8 min✔X
A tank is filled in 5 hours by three pipes A, B and C. The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as A. How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
(A) 20 hrs✔X
(B) 25 hrs✔X
(C) 35 hrs✔X
(D) none of these✔X
A can do work in 4 days, B in 5 days and C in 10 days. Find the time taken by A, B and C to do the work together.
(A) 1 9 11 days✔X
(B) 2 days✔X
(C) 3 1 2 days✔X
(D) 2 7 11 days✔X
131.A and B can do a piece of work in 9 days; B and C can do it in 12 days; A and C can do it in 18 days. In how many days will A, B and C finish it, working together and separately?
(A) 8 days✔X
(B) 9 days✔X
(C) 5 days✔X
(D) 10 days✔X
A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will A alone finished the work?
(A) 3 10✔X
(B) 1 27✔X
(C) 9✔X
(D) 27✔X
A can do a certain job in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient than A. How many days does B alone take to do the same job?
(A) 10 days✔X
(B) 11 2 3 days✔X
(C) 7 1 2 days✔X
(D) 6 5 4 days✔X
A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B in 20 days. They work together but 2 days before the completion of the work, A leaves. In how many days was the work completed?
(A) 5 days✔X
(B) 10 days✔X
(C) 14 days✔X
(D) 8 days✔X
45 men can complete a work in 16 days. Six days after they started working, 30 more men joined them. How many days will they now take to complete the remaining work?
(A) 6 days✔X
(B) 9 days✔X
(C) 10 days✔X
(D) 8 days✔X
2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 3 men and 2 boys can do the same work in 8 days. In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy do the work?
(A) 12 1 2 days✔X
(B) 13✔X
(D) 10✔X
A can complete a work in 6 days while B can complete the same work in 12 days. If they work together and complete it, the portion of the work done by A is
(A) 1 3✔X
(B) 1 4✔X
(C) 1 2✔X
(D) 2 3✔X
George takes 8 hours to copy a 50-page manuscript while Sonia can copy the same manuscript in 6 hours. How many hours would it take them to copy a 100-page manuscript, if they work together?
(A) 6 6 7✔X
(B) 9✔X
(C) 9 5 7✔X
(D) 14✔X
Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?
(A) 7 hours 30 min✔X
(B) 8 hours✔X
(C) 8 hours 15 min✔X
(D) 8 hours 25 min✔X
A, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished inA, B and C separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished in
(A) 4 days✔X
(B) 5 days✔X
(C) 6 days✔X
(D) 15 days✔X
Sameer spends 24% of his monthly income on food and 15% on the education of his children. Of the remaining salary, he spends 25% on entertainment and 20% on conveyance. He is now left with Rs. 10,736. What is the monthly salary of Sameer? (In Rs.)
(A) 27,600✔X
(B) 28,000✔X
(C) 31,200✔X
(D) 32,000✔X
12 men complete a work in 9 days. After they have worked for 6 days, 6 more men join them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work?
(A) 2 days✔X
(B) 3 days✔X
(C) 4 days✔X
(D) 5 days✔X
If 3 men or 9 boys can finished a piece of work in 21 days, in how many days can 5 men and 6 boys together do the same piece of work?
(A) 8 days✔X
(B) 12 days✔X
(C) 14 days✔X
(D) none of these✔X
A, B and C can do a piece of work in 11 days, 20 days and 55 days respectively, working alone. How soon can the work be done if A is assisted by B and C on alternate days?
(A) 7 days✔X
(B) 8 days✔X
(C) 9 days✔X
(D) 10 days✔X
An employer pays Rs. 20 for each day a worker works and forfeits Rs. 3 for each day he is idle. At the end of 60 days, a worker gets Rs. 280. For how many days did the worker remain idle?
(A) 30✔X
(B) 35✔X
(C) 39✔X
(D) 40✔X
12 men working for 8 hours a day can complete a work in 90 days. How many days will it take if 8 men working for 12 hours a day to complete the same work?
(A) 90 days✔X
(B) 120 days✔X
(C) 80 days✔X
(D) 100 days✔X
A works twice as fast as B. If B can complete a work in 12 days independently, the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work is
(A) 4 days✔X
(B) 6 days✔X
(C) 8 days✔X
(D) 18 days✔X
In three coloured boxes-red, green and blue, totally 108 balls are placed. There are twice as many balls in the green and red boxes combined as there are in blue box and twice as many in the blue box as there are in the red box. How many balls are there in the green box?
(A) 18✔X
(B) 36✔X
(C) 45✔X
(D) 54✔X
A book contains 120 pages. Each page has 30 lines. How many pages will the same matter of the book contain if every pages has 25 lines?
(A) 175✔X
(B) 150✔X
(C) 164✔X
(D) 144✔X
Two boys can finish a work in 10 days when they work together. The first boy can do it alone in 15 days. Find in how many days will the second boy do it all by himself?
(A) 24 days✔X
(B) 30 days✔X
(C) 32 days✔X
(D) 40 days✔X
151.If A can do a work in 60 days and B in 20 days. If they work together they complete the work in
(A) 10 days✔X
(B) 15 days✔X
(C) 20 days✔X
(D) 17 days✔X
I am a three digit number. Moreover I am a multiple of 10. When I am divided by 6, I leave no remainder and if 4 is added to the quotient, 114 is obtained. What is my value?
(A) 220✔X
(B) 440✔X
(C) 550✔X
(D) 660✔X
Pipe A can fill a tank in 45 hrs and pipe B can fill it in 30 hrs. Both the pipes are opened when the tank is empty. How soon will the tank be full?
(A) 12 hrs✔X
(B) 14 hrs✔X
(C) 16 hrs✔X
(D) 18 hrs✔X
Sixty machines can produce 4850 identical mobiles in 5 hours. How many mobiles would 25 machines produce in 6 hours?
(A) 3215✔X
(B) 2425✔X
(C) 4250✔X
(D) 4210✔X
A and B together can do a piece of work in 8 days, but A alone can do it in 12 days. How many days would B alone take to do the same work?
(A) 24 days✔X
(B) 16 days✔X
(C) 32 days✔X
(D) 10 days✔X
20 men working 6 hours a day can finish a work in 4 days. In how many days can 10 men working 8 hours a day finish the work?
(A) 8 days✔X
(B) 6 days✔X
(C) 4 days✔X
(D) 10 days✔X
Work in a fort 300 men had provisions for 90 days. After 20 days 50 men left the fort. How long would the food last at the same rate?
(A) 160 days✔X
(B) 210 days✔X
(C) 84 days✔X
(D) 80 days✔X
A man can do a work in 3 days alone and a women can do the same work in 9 days alone. If both are work together in how many days they finished the same work.
(A) 14 9 days✔X
(B) 6 days✔X
(C) 2 1 4 days✔X
(D) 3 1 2 days✔X
A and B can complete a work individually in 12 days and 18 days. They started doing the work together but after 4 days A had to leave and B alone completed the remaining work. The whole work was completed in
(A) 30 days✔X
(B) 20 days✔X
(C) 12 days✔X
(D) 8 days✔X
An empty water tank being filled with water at a constant rate takes 8 hours to fill 2/7th of its capacity. How much more time will it take to finish the filling of the water tank?
(A) 28 hours✔X
(B) 20 hours✔X
(C) 8 hours✔X
(D) 10 hours✔X
A can do a job in 16 days. B is 60% more efficient than A. Find the number of days for B to finish the same work.
(A) 16✔X
(B) 12✔X
(C) 10✔X
(D) 15✔X
Water is flowing at the rate of 15 km/hr through a cylindrical pipe of diameter 14 cm into a rectangular tank which is 50 m long and 44 m wide. In how many hours will the water level in the tank raise by 21 cm?
(A) 1 hr✔X
(B) 2 hrs✔X
(C) 1 1⁄2 hrs✔X
(D) 3 hrs✔X
A and B can do a work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and A in 20 days. In how many days will they finish it together?
(A) 8✔X
(B) 9✔X
(C) 10✔X
(D) 11✔X
Sita and Geetha can do a job in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They began to work together but Sita leaves after some days and Geetha finishes remaining job in 5 days. After how many days Sita leave
(A) 3✔X
(B) 6✔X
(C) 8✔X
(D) 10✔X
If A and B can do a work in 6 days. B and C can do it in 12 days, C and A can do it in 4 days how many days it would take to finish the same work by all the three together?
(A) 8 days✔X
(B) 4 days✔X
(C) 10 days✔X
(D) 2 days✔X
Find the value of ( 343 x 343 x 343−113 x 113 x 113 343 x 343+ 343 x 113 +113 x 113)
(A) 230✔X
(B) 330✔X
(C) 430✔X
(D) 530✔X
X can do a piece of work in 40 days. He wors at it for 8 days and then Y finished it in 16 days. How long will they together take to complete the work? (in days)
(A) 13 1✔X
(B) 15✔X
(C) 20✔X
(D) 56✔X
A can do a piece of work in 14 days which B can do in 21 days. They begin together but 3 days before the completion of the work, A leaves off. The total number of days to complete the work is:
(A) 6 3 5✔X
(B) 8 1✔X
(C) 10 1 5✔X
(D) 13 1 2✔X
A alone can complete a work in 16 days and B alone in 12 days. Starting with A, they work on alternate days. The total work will be completed in:
(A) 12 days✔X
(B) 13 days✔X
(C) 13 1 7 days✔X
(D) 13 3 4 days✔X
If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work will be
(A) 4 days✔X
(B) 5 days✔X
(C) 6 days✔X
(D) 7 days✔X
171.Who has been re-elected as Regional director in for South-East Asian region of WHO?
(A) Poornima Balakrishnan✔X
(B) Panam Khettrapal Singh✔X
(C) Srishti Savanna✔X
(D) Aditi bhatt✔X
Which state government has declared Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary as elephant reserve in India?
(A) Assam✔X
(B) Nagaland✔X
(C) Tripura✔X
(D) Mizoram✔X
The book named “Shades of Truth: A Journey Derailed” has been written by?
(A) Pranab Mukherjee✔X
(B) P. Chidambaram✔X
(C) Kapil Sibal✔X
(D) Myfti Mohammed Sayed✔X
“Mil-Banche”, as education promotion initiative has been launched by which state?
(A) Maharashtra✔X
(B) Madhya Pradesh✔X
(C) Andhra Pradesh✔X
(D) Telangana✔X
Where was the 1st edition of “ICT & IOT Startup Tech Expo” held?
(A) New Delhi✔X
(B) Mumbai✔X
(C) Bengaluru✔X
(D) Chennai✔X
Indian Ocean wave exercise 2018 (IO wave 18) is organised by which organisation?
(A) Indian Navy✔X
(B) Indian Coast Guard (ICG)✔X
(C) International Ocean Organisation (100)✔X
(D) Intergovernmental oceanographic Commission (IOC)✔X
177.The expert group formed by which body has urged plan to save springs in Himalayas?
(A) Department of Earth sciences✔X
(B) Geological Society of India✔X
(C) NITI Aayog✔X
(D) Indian Institute of Oceans✔X
India and which country work for Gaganyaan (ISRO’S) mission?
(A) Germany✔X
(B) England✔X
(C) US✔X
(D) France✔X
What was the theme for National Nutrition week observed from 1st – 7 th September 2018?
(A) Better Nutrition, by to Development✔X
(B) Go further with food✔X
(C) Better children health✔X
(D) Life cycle approach for better nutrition✔X
Name the app launched by Commerce ministry to simplify the field work for coffee plantation field?
(A) Coffee brewers✔X
(B) Coffee connect✔X
(C) Coffee fetch✔X
(D) Coffee growers✔X
Which country Navy has won KAKADU Cup 2018 in Australia?
(A) China✔X
(C) South Korea✔X
(D) India✔X
Which country has built World’s tallest timber tower named Mjos Towers?
(A) Japan✔X
(B) Russia✔X
(C) Egypt✔X
(D) Norway✔X
Who has become the First Indian Poet to be invited to record his poems at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.?
(A) Vinay Kumar✔X
(B) Abay K✔X
(C) Rishi Sharma✔X
(D) Ravindra Bhattacharya✔X
Who has been Appointed as the 46th Chief Justice of India on 3rd October 2018?
(A) Justice Ranjan Gogoi✔X
(B) Justice Manishankar Iyer✔X
(C) Justice Suresh Mahajan✔X
(D) Justice Sanghvi✔X
Who was elected as the 13th President of Pakistan on 4th September 2018?
(A) Imran Khan✔X
(B) Aitzaz Ahsan✔X
(C) ArifAlvi✔X
(D) Maulana Fazlur Rehman✔X
Who won the men’s singles title at the US open (Tennis) 2018, that was held in New York City September 2018?
(A) Novak Djokovic✔X
(B) Juan Martin Del✔X
(C) Roger Federer✔X
(D) Rafael Nadal✔X
On September 2018 the ‘Rapid Trident’ Joint Military exercise held among which countries?
(A)Ukraine, US and NATO✔X
(B) Ukraine, Russia and Czech Republic✔X
(C) US, Afghan and NATO✔X
(D)Russia, china and India✔X
Name the New swimming pool type research reactor that became operational at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Trombay, Maharashtra, on 10th September 2018?
(A) Apsara – U Reactor✔X
(B) Brahma II Reactor✔X
(C) Rishi IV reactor✔X
(D) Shakthi V Reactor✔X
Who created history by becoming the first Indian to Win a medal in IAAF continental Cup?
(A) Neeraj Chopra✔X
(B) Manveer Singh✔X
(C) Arpinder Singh✔X
(D) Vijendra Singh✔X
190. Name India’s First Underwater Robatic Drone that launched and landed over the Naval Physical Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL) of DRDO (Defence Research and Development organisation?
(A)Eyerov TUNA✔X
(B) Marine Eye✔X
(C) Sea Watch✔X
(D) Water Spy✔X
Where was the G-20 Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting held on 14th and 15th September 2018?
(A) Hanoi , Vietnam✔X
(B) MardelPlata, Argentina✔X
(C) Manila, Philippines✔X
(D) Jakarta , Indonesia✔X
On 16th September 2018, PSLV -C 42 launched by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) that carried two U.K. satellites named ___ and ___ into space?
(A)NOVA SAR and S1-4✔X
(B) SARVANO and S3-6✔X
(C) VOStOK and S5-4✔X
(D) None of the above✔X
Which country launched the world’s first hydrogen – powered Train, on 17th September 2018?
(B) Germany✔X
(C) United Kingdom✔X
(D) Norway✔X
On 10 September 2018, the Two Indians Satyarup Siddhanta and Bhaswati Chatterjee created history by climbing Asia’s Highest Volcanic Peak Mount Damavand. Where it ishere
(B) Japan✔X
(C) Afghanistan✔X
(D) Indonesia✔X
Avindra – 18 the Joint Air Force Exercise held in Lipetsk on September 2018, between ___ and ___?
(A) India and Vietnam✔X
(B) India and Russia✔X
(C) India and Afghan✔X
(D) Russia and Mongolia✔X
What is the rank of India in Human Development index – 2018 Released by UN Recently?
(A) 130✔X
(B) 132✔X
(C) 134✔X
(D) 136✔X
Who have won the 2018 Rajeev Gandhiji Khel Ratna Award?
(A) Hima Das and Manika Bhatra✔X
(B)Virat Kohli and Mirabai Chanu✔X
(C) Neeraj Chopra and Jeevanjoth Singh Teja✔X
(D)Rohit Sharma and SuvithaPunitha✔X
Which of the following movie has been chosen as the India’s Official entry to Oscars 2019?
(A) KadviHawa✔X
(B) Raazi✔X
(C) Village Rockstars✔X
(D) Hichki✔X
Who has won the women’s singles 2018 china open badminton title?
(A) Akane Yamaguchi✔X
(B) Carolina Marin✔X
(C) P.V. Sindhu✔X
(D) Nozomi Okuhara✔X
200.Who is the Newly Appointed chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission?
(A) Bharat Kumar✔X
(B) Kamlesh NilakanthVyas✔X
(C) Sathyadev Prasad✔X
(D) Bobby Aloysius✔X
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