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Sunday, 21 February 2021

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BEL Recruitment @26 Project Engineer-I Posts 2021

BEL Recruitment @26 Project Engineer-I Posts 2021

BEL Recruitment 2021 - BEL invites applications for recruitment of 26 Project Engineer-I (Electronics), Project Engineer - I (Mechanical), Project Engineer - I (Computer Science) Posts. The applicants are requested to Download Application Form through Official Website www.bel-india.in

Job Vacancy Details

Total Vacancy - 26 Posts

Name of Post No. of Post
row1 col 1 22
Project Engineer - I (Mechanical) 02
Project Engineer - I (Computer Science) 02

Age Limit :

28 Years

Salary :

Name of Post Pay scale
Project Engineer-I (Electronics) will be engaged initially for a period of TWO years which may be extended up to maximum of FOUR years (including initial period) based on project requirement and individual performance. Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of Rs.35,000/-, Rs.40,000/-, Rs.45,000/- and Rs.50,000/- per month for 1 st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of contract respectively. In addition to the remuneration indicated above, a consolidated amount of Rs.10,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance etc. The additional amount shall be paid in two installments. First installment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and the second installment will be paid after completion of 6 months from the date of joining
Project Engineer - I (Mechanical) will be engaged initially for a period of TWO years which may be extended up to maximum of FOUR years (including initial period) based on project requirement and individual performance. Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of Rs.35,000/-, Rs.40,000/-, Rs.45,000/- and Rs.50,000/- per month for 1 st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of contract respectively. In addition to the remuneration indicated above, a consolidated amount of Rs.10,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance etc. The additional amount shall be paid in two installments. First installment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and the second installment will be paid after completion of 6 months from the date of joining
Project Engineer - I (Computer Science) will be engaged initially for a period of TWO years which may be extended up to maximum of FOUR years (including initial period) based on project requirement and individual performance. Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of Rs.35,000/-, Rs.40,000/-, Rs.45,000/- and Rs.50,000/- per month for 1 st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of contract respectively. In addition to the remuneration indicated above, a consolidated amount of Rs.10,000/- per year will be paid towards expenses like medical insurance premium, attire allowance, stitching charges, footwear allowance etc. The additional amount shall be paid in two installments. First installment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and the second installment will be paid after completion of 6 months from the date of joining

Education Qualification :

Name of Post Qualification
row1 col 1 BE/B.Tech /B.Sc Engg. in Electronics / Electronics & Communication / E&T / Telecommunication / Mechanical / Computer Science + Minimum 2 Years Post Qualification Experience as on 01.02.2021*
Project Engineer - I (Mechanical) BE/B.Tech /B.Sc Engg. in Electronics / Electronics & Communication / E&T / Telecommunication / Mechanical / Computer Science + Minimum 2 Years Post Qualification Experience as on 01.02.2021*
Project Engineer - I (Computer Science) BE/B.Tech /B.Sc Engg. in Electronics / Electronics & Communication / E&T / Telecommunication / Mechanical / Computer Science + Minimum 2 Years Post Qualification Experience as on 01.02.2021*

Apply Mode :


Application Fees

  • Gen/ OBC Rs. 500/-
  • ST/SC/Ex-s/PWD Rs. NIL 
The application fee should be remitted through SBI Collect (through online mode or through SBI Branch).
Candidates are requested to read the instructions and screenshots for making the payment.
Candidates can also make the payment by approaching SBI Branch. You have to select SBI branch in the payment option and download pre-printed challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee (as applicable) plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official.
Candidates have to enter the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after payment, in the Application Form.

Selection Process

Percentage of Marks: Aggregate Marks secured in BE/ B.Tech / B.Sc Engg (4 years) / in the relevant disciplines

75% or 75 Mark

Relevant Post Qualification Experience: 2.5 Marks will be allocated for minimum experience stipulated for the post. 1.25 marks will be allocated for every completed experience of 6 months subject to a maximum of 10 marks.

10 Marks

Interview: Interview for the shortlisted candidates (Video - Based)

15 Marks
How to Apply :

  1. Filled in ‘Application Form’, downloaded from the BEL website.
  2. Fee payment Challan as applicable
  3. Certificate / Marks Sheet issued by Board for Matriculation / Higher Secondary in support of proof of age.
  4. All certificates (starting from Matriculation / Class X) in support of educational qualifications. (Candidates having part-time or correspondence course in prescribed qualification are not eligible).
  5. Conversion formula for conversion of CGPA / DGPA / OGPA or letter grade to percentage marks & awarded class, duly certified by the University / Institution, wherever applicable.
  6. A copy of latest OBC certificate / a copy of SC/ST/EWS certificate.
  7. Non Creamy Layer Certificate for OBC candidates issued on or after 01.01.2020.
  8. Disability certificate, if the candidate belongs to PWD category.
  9. ‘No Objection Certificate’ if employed in PSU / Government / Quasi Government and Public Sector undertakings.
  10. Experience Certificate/s: Post qualification work experience certificate/s from previous / current employer. Where current employment certificate is not produced, the Offer of current appointment, Employee ID proof and latest pay slip should be compulsorily attached.
  11. Latest Resume/CV.
  12. Any other Certificates/Testimonials they may desire to place before the selection committee.
  13. Applications complete in all respect may be sent through post to Dy. General Manager (HR), Bharat Electronics Limited, I.E.Nacharam, Hyderabad- 500076, Telangana State so as to reach it on or before 18.02.2021. Application sent through email/any other channel will not be considered. Any Hard Copy Application received after 18.02.2021 will not be considered for the selection process. BEL will not be responsible for any delay or loss in postal transit for any reason whatsoever.

Important Date:

Form Submission Start Date:  28.01.2021  

Form Submission Last Date:  18.02.2021

Download BEL  official Notification 2021 and Online Apply
Notification 2021: click here!

 Application form: Click here!

For more updates join us on telegram channel - CLICK HERE


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