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Sunday, 7 February 2021

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IITISM Recruitment 2021@ 21 Technical Officer Posts

IITISM Recruitment 2021@ 21 Technical Officer Posts

IITISM Recruitment 2021 - IITISM invites Online applications for recruitment of 21 Medical Officer, Assistant Registrar, Assistant Systems Engineer, Counsellor, Technical Officer, Workshop Superintendent, Placement Officer, Deputy Registrar Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website www.iitism.ac.in from 05.02.2021 to 20.03.2021. Interested candidates are requested to peruse the advertisement regarding the process of Examinations and Interview, Eligibility Criteria, Application Fee, How to Apply, Pattern of Examination, Syllabus, Question Paper, Admit Date, Exam Date, Result Date etc,. Refer thoroughly before applying.

Job Vacancy Details

Total Vacancy - 21 Posts

Name of Post No. of Post
Medical Officer 03
Assistant Systems Engineer 04
Counsellor 01
Technical Officer 03
Workshop Superintendent 01
Placement Officer 01
Deputy Registrar 01
Assistant Registrar 07

Age Limit :

Name of Post Age Limit
Medical Officer 40 Years
Assistant Systems Engineer 40 Years
Counsellor 40 Years
Technical Officer 40 Years
Workshop Superintendent 50 years
Placement Officer 50 years
Deputy Registrar 50 years
Assistant Registrar 40 Years

Salary :

Name of Post Pay scale
Medical Officer Pay Level - 10
Assistant Systems Engineer Pay Level - 10
Counsellor Pay Level - 10
Technical Officer Level - 12
Workshop Superintendent Level - 12
Placement Officer Level - 12
Deputy Registrar Level - 12
Assistant Registrar Level - 10

Education Qualification :

Name of Post Qualification
Medical Officer M.D or M.S in an appropriate branch of Medicine OR Postgraduate Diploma in an appropriate branch of Medicine plus at least one year experience in a recognized hospital. OR M.B.B.S. including completion of compulsory rotatory internship followed by at least 03 years of experience in a recognized hospital.
Assistant Systems Engineer 1st class B.Tech in CSE /M.Sc (IT) /MCA or equivalent with 6 years of relevant experience$ in Govt.Org./institute and/or reputed Computer Organisation/ Industry OR First Class M.E. /M. Tech in CSE with 4 years’ of relevant experience$ Govt. Org./institute and/or reputed Computer Organisation/ Industry.
Counsellor M.A/M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology and Graduation in Psychology with at least 55%marks from a recognized University /Institute. Experience: 05 years’ experience of Counselling which includes 01 year of Clinical experience in a Mental Health Centre plus 03 years’ experience in the post of a regular full time Counsellor, preferably in an Educational/ Counselling Centre. Require good oral, written skills, ability to communicate adequately with diverse students and employ population
Technical Officer (i) Master degree or equivalent qualification in Zoology/ Biotechnology or allied disciplines with a minimum of 55% marks in qualifying degree from a recognised University/Institute with four years relevant experience#. (ii)Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must.
Workshop Superintendent i) M. Tech Degree in Engineering or equivalent qualification in Mechanical Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with five years relevant experience at the level of Asstt. Workshop Superintendent in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-3 (Pay Level - 10) or above. OR Bachelor’s Degree (four years) or equivalent qualification in Mechanical Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with eight years relevant experience at the level of Asstt. Workshop Superintendent in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 in PB-3 (Pay Level - 10) or above. ii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must
Placement Officer Master's degree in Engineering / Technology with at least 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University / Institute with at least of 05 years’ experience in teaching/research/ Training & Placement of Engineering personnel/Industry or Academic Administration in GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 (Pay Level - 10) or equivalent OR Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology with at least 55% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University / Institute with at least of 07 years’ experience in teaching/research/ Training & Placement of Engineering personnel/Industry or Academic Administration in GP: Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 (Pay Level - 10) or equivalent
Deputy Registrar Masters’ degree or equivalent in any discipline with at least 55% marks or its equivalent Grade of B in the UGC seven points scale. Experience: At least 9 Years' experience as Assistant Professor in the Academic Pay Level - 10 and above with experience in educational administration or comparable experience in research establishment and / or other institutions of higher education.
Assistant Registrar Masters’ degree or equivalent in any discipline with at least 55% marks or its equivalent Grade of B in the UGC seven points scale. Experience: At least five years relevant administrative experience in supervisory capacity in a Govt. office/University/ Technological institution or an organization of repute which may include activities related to examinations, academics, establishment, general administration, R&D, student affairs, accounts etc. in the Pay Level - 7 or equivalent.

Apply Mode :


Application Fees

Recruitment Fee and mode of payment: Recruitment fee Rs. 1000/- to be paid through SBI collect link available on the website of the Institute https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=272342 and the payment details are to be filled in the application form. Note: SC/ST/ Ex-Servicemen/Divyang and Female candidates are exempted from payment of recruitment fee.

Selection Process

Step II: Skill/Computer Proficiency Test - 20 marks Total - 100 marks The Committee constituted to conduct the Written Test and Trade Test/ Computer Test will decide the minimum qualifying marks for Written & Computer Test. Only the candidates who will qualify the Written & Computer Test (step I&II) will be called for Presentation & Interview of the selection process. The final selection will be on the basis of presentation and interview before the Selection Committee.

How to Apply :

Interested applicants may apply ONLINE in the prescribed application format available at www.iitism.ac.in. Click on the link “Apply Online”. Please keep your personal details, qualification details, details of references, experience details, other relevant details, and soft copy of the passport size photograph with you before starting the online application.

Important Date:

Form Submission Start Date:  05.02.2021 

Form Submission Last Date:  20.03.2021

Download IITISM  official Notification 2021 and Online Apply
  Notification 2021: click here!

 Application form: Click here! / Click here!

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