TODAY CURRENT AFFAIRS FREE ONLINE TEST current affairs- JANUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND current affairs- FEBRUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND
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Sri Sailam Hydro electric Power Plant is located in which State?
(A) Andhra Pradesh✔ X
(B) Telangana✔ X
(C) Kerala✔ X
(D) Tamil Nadu✔ X
“Naukhai Juhar” Festival recently celebrated in_____________.
(A) Chattisgarh✔ X
Odisha✔ X
Telangana✔ X
D) A & B✔ X
India’s longest ropeway recently opened across the river _____________.
(A) Cauvery✔ X
(B) Krishna✔ X
(C) Ganga✔ X
(D) Brahmaputra✔ X
National Food Security Act (NASA) was enacted in which of the following year?
How many persons have been selected for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award-2020?
Agricultural Marketing and Farmers Friendly Reforms Index has been released by___________
(A) National Statistical Office✔ X
(B) NITI Aayog✔ X
(C) RBI✔ X
(D) Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare✔ X
“Eat Right India hand Book” recently released by__________.
(B) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare✔ X
(C) Food Corporation✔ X
D) Ministry of Civil Supply✔ X
“Teasta River” is originates from which of the following State?
A) Assam✔ X
(B) Sikkim✔ X
(C) Tripura✔ X
(D) Uttarkhand✔ X
F-16 Jets recently seen in News belongs to which of the following country?
A) Taiwan✔ X
(B) USA✔ X
Russai✔ X
China✔ X
The Abraham accord recently signed between which of the following two countrie
(A) USA-Russia✔ X
(B) Israel-Palastine✔ X
(C) Israel-United Arab Emirates✔ X
(D) Iraq-Syria✔ X
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