TODAY CURRENT AFFAIRS FREE ONLINE TEST current affairs- JANUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND current affairs- FEBRUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND
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As per the National Education Policy 2020 which of the following Course will be discontinued?
(A) B.Ed✔ X
(B) M.Ed✔ X
(C) M.Phil✔ X
(D) M.Com✔ X
Which Country recently conducted “Great prophet 14” Military Exercise?
(A) Iran✔ X
(B) Iraq✔ X
(C) Kuwait✔ X
(D) Egypt✔ X
Yamuna River orginates from which of the following state?
(A) Uttar Pradesh✔ X
(B) Uttarkhand✔ X
C) Himachal Pradesh✔ X
D) Bihar✔ X
Recently Indian Government imposed safeguard duty to which product to protect domestic manufacturers?
(A) Textile✔ X
(B) Solar Cells✔ X
(C) Electronics✔ X
(D) Medical Device✔ X
KavKaz-2020 exercise is to be conducted by _______________.
(A) China✔ X
(B) USA✔ X
(C) Japan✔ X
(D) Russia✔ X
National cooperative Development Corporation is recently seen in News is functioning under which Ministry?
(A) Ministry of Finance✔ X
(B) Ministry of Home✔ X
(C) Ministry of Agricultural and Farmers Welfare✔ X
(D) Ministry of Rural Development✔ X
The foundation Stone of Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur was laid recently at which State?
(A) Uttar Pradesh✔ X
(B) Andhra Pradesh✔ X
(C) Aruchachal Pradesh✔ X
D) Himachal Pradesh✔ X
Conclave on Transformational Reforms in Higher Education under National Education Policy (NEP) organized by_______________.
(A) NITI Aayog✔ X
(C) Ministry of Education✔ X
D) IIT Delhi✔ X
Who is the president of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) ?
(A) Amitab Kant✔ X
(B) A.S Mehta✔ X
(C) Usha Thorat✔ X
(D) M.S.Sahoo✔ X
. Which language was dropped from list of foreign language in National Education Policy?
(A) Spanish✔ X
(B) Korean✔ X
C) Mandarin✔ X
(D) Japanese✔ X
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