Who heads the committee formed by Reserve bank of India to set up a new mechanism for stressed assets?
(A) N.Manodharan✔X
B) N.K.Singh✔X
C) N.Alamelu✔X
(D) K.V.Kamat✔X
Narayanpur Dam constructed over which of the following river?
(A) Krishna✔X
(B) Bhima✔X
(C) Kabini✔X
D) Kaveri✔X
______________became the first country in the India ocean Region to achieve the status of Tsunami ready from UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission?
(A) Madagaskar✔X
(B) Srilanka✔X
(C) Bangladesh✔X
D) India✔X
“PRATHEEKSHA” First ever marine Ambulance is recently launched in____________.
(A) Karnataka✔X
(B) Andhra Pradesh✔X
(C) Kerala✔X
(D) Maharashtra✔X
The National Digital Health Mission was announced on__________.
(A) 15 August 2020✔X
(B) 15 August 2019✔X
(C) 26 January 2020✔X
(D) 26 January 2020✔X
UDAN scheme is implemented by___________
(A) Ministry of Finance✔X
(B) Ministry of Civil Aviation✔X
C) Ministry of Home✔X
(D) Ministry of Defence✔X
Which of the following country India attended 17th Joint Commission Meeting recently?
(A) Laos✔X
(B) Thailand✔X
(C) Vietnam✔X
(D) Cambodia✔X
Poulomi Ghatak is associated with which sport?
A) Cricket✔X
(B) Football✔X
(C) Table Tennis✔X
(D) Hockey✔X
Kaiga Atomic Power Station is located in which of the following State?
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