TODAY CURRENT AFFAIRS FREE ONLINE TEST current affairs- JANUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND current affairs- FEBRUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND
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Virtual Museum of securities market in India is to setup by______________.
(A) Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI)✔ X
(B) Reserve Bank of India✔ X
(D) Ministry of Finance✔ X
Beirut” City is the Capital of which of the following county?
O(A) Syria✔ X
(B) Lebanon✔ X
(C) Jordan✔ X
D) Turkey✔ X
What is the theme of World Breast Feeding Week 2020?
(A) Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet✔ X
(B) Support breastfeeding for creating better Generation✔ X
(C) Exclusive Breastfeeding✔ X
(D) Support Lactating Mothers✔ X
The All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) is located in which of the following city?
(A) Mumbai✔ X
(B) Varanasi✔ X
(C) New Delhi✔ X
D) Ahmadabad✔ X
Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment (WEE) initiative was started by___________.
(A) National Commission for Women✔ X
(B) IIT Delhi✔ X
(C) IIT-Madras✔ X
(D) Ministry of Woman and Child Development✔ X
Which State topped the list in availing loans to women under MUDRA loan?
(A) Tamil Nadu✔ X
(B) West Bengal✔ X
(C) Karnataka✔ X
(D) Telangana✔ X
INS Viraat is recently seen in News it is a _________________.
(A) Air craft carrier ship✔ X
(B) Submarine✔ X
(C) Coastal Guard ship✔ X
(D) Atomic powered submarine✔ X
Bushan Char Island is located in which of the following country?
(A) Maldives✔ X
(B) Srilanka✔ X
C) Madagaskar✔ X
(D) Bangladesh✔ X
Where is the secretariat of Association of southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) located?
(A) India✔ X
(B) Nepal✔ X
(C) Indonesia✔ X
(D) Laos✔ X
Who is the chairperson of National Council for Transgender persons?
A) President✔ X
(B) Prime Minister✔ X
(C) Union Minister for Home✔ X
(D) Union Minister for Social Justice✔ X
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