The World’s highest Railway Arch Bridge in Jammu & Kashmir is built across which river?
(A) Beas✔X
(B) Ravi✔X
(C) Sutlaj✔X
D) Chenab✔X
Simlipal National Park is located in which of the following State?
(A) Gujarat✔X
(B) Bihar✔X
(C) Odisha✔X
D) Jharkhand✔X
According to Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs recent report which state securing first position on implementing the Scheme “AMRUT”?
(A) Tamilnadu✔X
B) Kerala✔X
(C) Maharashtra✔X
(D) Odisha✔X
Which country recently test fired the “Defence System Arrow-2”?
(A) China✔X
(B) Japan✔X
(C) Israel✔X
(D) Sudan✔X
Assam Government launched the scheme “Arunodoi” to provide financial Assistance to_________.
(A) Senior Citizen✔X
(B) Differently abled✔X
(C) Women✔X
(D) Students✔X
Which Indian organisation entered the list of world’s top 100 companies on the fortune Global 500 list?
(B) Adani Parts✔X
(D) Reliance✔X
Choose the Correct Statement. 1. Abiscissic Acid is a plant hormon. 2. It Plays a keyrole in many plant Development Processes like control of organ size, seed and bud
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