TODAY CURRENT AFFAIRS FREE ONLINE TEST current affairs- JANUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND current affairs- FEBRUARY MONTH online test - ATTEND
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Pakke Tiger Reserve is located in which of the following state?
(A) Assam✔ X
(B) Uttarkhand✔ X
(C) Bihar✔ X
(D) Arunachal Pradesh✔ X
The Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI) established in____________.
(A) 1955✔ X
(B) 1965✔ X
(C) 1975✔ X
D) 1985✔ X
Which of the following organization partnered with Government of India to fund The National Agricultural Higher Education Project?
(A) World Bank✔ X
(B) New Development Bank✔ X
(C) Asian Development Bank✔ X
Sharda River orginates from_________
(A) Himachal Pradesh✔ X
(B) Ladakh✔ X
(C) Jammu & Kashmir✔ X
(D) Uttarkhand✔ X
The newly set up National Recruitment Agency is to be conducted The Common Eligibility Test for the posts of ______________.
(A) Non gazetted posted in Public sector Banks✔ X
(B) Non gazetted posted in Central Government✔ X
(C) Group 1 & 2 posts in Central Governments✔ X
(D) A & B✔ X
National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020 Released by___________.
(A) National Medical Council✔ X
(B) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare✔ X
(C) Indian Council of Medical Research✔ X
(D) AIIMS-Delhi✔ X
SHAKTI and VEGA are recently seen in News which is _____________.
(A) Schemes for Entrepreneurs✔ X
(B) Micro Processors✔ X
(C) New Mobile Company✔ X
(D) New Mobile Models✔ X
Gangothri National Park is located in which of the following state?
(A) Uttar Pradesh✔ X
(B) Uttarkhand✔ X
(C) Bihar✔ X
(D) Himachal Pradesh✔ X
Which of the following organization is going to conduct the World Solar Technology Summit?
(A) International Solar Alliance✔ X
(B) World Trade Organization✔ X
(D) World Wide Fund for Nature✔ X
What is the overall ranking of India in Digital Quality of life Index 2020?
(A) 51✔ X
(B) 15✔ X
C) 57✔ X
(D) 75✔ X
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