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Which of the following statement is not correct?
Mohenjodaro means mound of the Dead✔X
Indus valley people used burnt bricks✔X
Indus valley civilization was a rural one✔X
Sir John Marshall is related to Indus valley civilization✔X
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the list : List I List II. 1. Dutch 1. Goa. 2. English 2. Nagapattinam. 3.Portuguese 3. Hugli. 4.French 4. Pondicherry
3 4 1 2✔X
1 3 2 4✔X
2 3 1 4✔X
2 1 4 3✔X
Mohammad bin Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi Daulatabad for the following reasons. It is equidistant from Delhi and it is easy to administrate. Safe from Mongol Invasion. It has a strategic value. He want to expand his empire to the South
I, III and IV are correct✔X
I, II and IV are correct✔X
I,II, III and IV are correct✔X
I, II and III are correct✔X
Match the following Vijayanagar dynasties with their founders: SSangama dynasty 1. Narasimha Saluva dynasty 2. Harihara Tuluva dynasty 3. Tirumala Aravidu dynasty 4. Vir-Narasimha
2 4 3 1✔X
2 1 3 4✔X
2 1 4 3✔X
4 3 2 1✔X
What was the demand of the Justice Party?
Freedom of Nation✔X
Liberation of Dravidians✔X
Whom among the following E.V. Ramasamy Naicker met to press for a separate Dravidand?
Sir Stafford Cripps✔X
Lord Wellington✔X
Lord Linlithgow✔X
Lord Mountbatten✔X
Consider the following statements: Assertion(A): In 1944 E.V. Ramasamy formed the Dravida Kazhagam and demanded for a separate state called Dravida Nadu. Reason(R): In his view it was against the preponderance of the Northen Aryans and for the enhancement of the prestige of the Dravidians. Now select your answer according to the coding schedule given below:
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false but ® is true✔X
Consider the following two statements one labeled as Assertion(A) and other as Reason ® and select the answer using the codes given below: Assertion(A): The Vernacular Press Act of 1878, directed against Indian Native Newspapers was secretly conceived and passed at a single sitting of the Imperial Legislative Council. Reason®: The Amritha Bazar Patrika which came out both in Bengali and English was converted into an English paper overnight. Now select your answer according to the coding schedule given below:
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false but ® is true✔X
Examine the following statements and choose your answer from the codes given below: Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. In 1887 the third session of Indian National Congress was held at Thousand Lights, Chennai. 2. In 1903, the 19th session of Indian National Cogress was held at Madras. 3.In 1908 Nellai Patriotic Society was started by V.O.Chidambaram Pillai. 4. The leader of the Simon Boycott Committee in Madras was K.Kamaraj
I, II, III are true✔X
I and II are true✔X
I, II and IV are true✔X
III and IV are true✔X
Which social reformer proclaimed “India for Indians”?
Rajaram Mohan Roy✔X
Dayananda Saraswathi✔X
Swami Vivekananda✔X
Ishwar Chandra Vidhyasagar✔X
Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion (A) and Reason ® and select your answer using the codes given below: Assertion(A): Lucknow Congress in 1916 entered into Congress-League Pact. Reason(R): Though Congress –League Pact was an achievement,yet it was short lived. Now select your answer according to the coding schedule given below:
Both (A) and ® are individually wrong✔X
Both (A) and ® are individually true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false but ® is true✔X
Which of the following is/are incorrectly matched? Select your answer using the codes given below. 1. Purshottamdas Tandon - Congress President in 1950. 2. Avadi session of the Congress - 1963 . 3. III. Kamaraj plan - 1955. 4. Kamaraj - Congress President in 1964
I and IV✔X
I and II✔X
II and IV✔X
II and III✔X
Identify the correct order of events from the following:
Resignation of Congress Ministries, August Offer, Cripps Mission , Individual Civil Disobedience✔X
August Offer, Resignation of Congress Ministries, Individual Civil Disobedience, Cripps Mission✔X
Resignation of Congress Ministries, August Offer, Individual Civil Disobedience, Cripps Mission✔X
Resignation of Congress Ministries, Individual Civil Disobedience, Cripps Mission, August Offer✔X
Observe the following statements as to the village administration during the Mughal rule. 1. It was in the hands of Shigdar. 2. It was also a judicial agency for disposing off cases involving disputes among the villagers
Only I is true✔X
Only II is true✔X
Both I and II are true✔X
Both I and II are false✔X
Which of the following statement’s about Kalabhras is/are TRUE? 1. Information about Kalabhras could be taken from Buddhist text, Tamil literary text and Velvikudi plates. 2. Historians regards the period as a ‘Long Historical Night’. 3. This period has been marked by the decline of Buddhism in Tamilagam. 4. No Tamil literary works has been done during this period.
I and II✔X
II only✔X
III and IV✔X
III only✔X
Which of the following statement’s about Brihadiswara Temple at Thanjavur is/are True? 1. Brihadiswara temple at Tanjavur was not a symbol of State power. 2. Thanjavur was one of the most celebrated cebtre of the Bakthi Saints of the Saivites, 3. Thanjavur was captured by Muttaeaiyar by defeating Vijayalaya Chola. 4. Muttaraiyar Chief has built a temple for Goddess Nisumbha Sudini in Thanjavur.
I, II and III✔X
I, and III✔X
III and IV✔X
IV only✔X
Match the following: Urban Centres Founders. 1. Muradabad 1. Muhammad Khan Bhangash. 2. Farukhabad 2. Ghazi-al-din Imad al Mulk. 3. Ghaziabad 3. Faizullah Khan. 4. Rampur 4. Rustam Khan Deccani
4 1 3 2✔X
3 4 2 1✔X
3 4 2 1✔X
3 4 2 1✔X
Which of the following is correct? In 1665, by the Treaty of Purandhar , Shivaji ceded the following no of forts to Mughal.
Consider the following statements. Select your answer from the codes given below: 1. Lal. Pal, Bal – were considered ad the extremist Trio. 2.Indian National Anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore. 3The slogan ‘Inqlab Zindabad’ was raised by Bhagat Singh. 4. Annie Besant was the first Indian Women to preside over Indian National Congress session in 1917. . Which one of the above statements is not correct?
Consider the following statements: Assertion(A): The special session of the Indian National Congress held at Calcutta in September 1920 defined the objective of the Congress as the attainment of Swaraj. Reason(R): The Act of 1919 did not offer Swaraj to the Indians. Now select your answer according to the coding schedule given below:
Both (A) and ® are individually true and ® is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and ® are individually true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false but ® is true✔X
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List IIAbhinav Bharat Society 1. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Indian Association 2. Bala Gangadar Tilak Shivaji movement 3. Surendra Nath Banerjee Ahmadiya Movement 4. Ganesh Damodar Savarkar
3 4 2 1✔X
1 3 4 2✔X
4 3 2 1✔X
4 2 1 3✔X
Which of the following statements about the Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company are correct? 1. Two ships were purchased. 2. Two mechanized boats were purchased. 3. Bharathi opposed the names of the ships. 4. English opposed this native venture.
All statements are correct✔X
Except statement I, others are wrong✔X
Except statement IV, others are correct✔X
Except statement II, others are wrong✔X
Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion(A) and Reason(R) and select your answer using the codes given below: Assertion(A): After Nehru, Lal Bahadur Sastri became the next Prime Minister. Reason(R): In his last days, Nehru had come increasing to rely in Sastri.
(A) is true and ® is false✔X
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is related to (A)✔X
Bothe (A) and ® are false✔X
(A) is false and ® is true✔X
What were the services introduced in India as a result of the Aitchison Commission? 1. The imperial civil service. 2. The provincial civil service. 3. The special civil service. 4. The subordinate civil service
Only I, II and III✔X
Only I, III and IV✔X
Only I, II and IV✔X
All I, II , III and IV✔X
Observe the following statements relating to the Mauryan empire and administration. 1. Chandragupta was the founder of Mauryan empire. 2. Ashoka acted as viceroy of Avantika and Tazila provinces before becoming the emperor.
only I is true✔X
Only II is true✔X
Both I and II are true✔X
Both I and II are false✔X
Consider the following statements regarding the laws of Mughal rule. 1. The laws of God were contained only in Quaran. 2.Islam never envisaged a society dominated by Non-Muslims, who were called ‘Jimmis’.
only I is true✔X
Only II is true✔X
Both I and II are true✔X
Both I and II are false✔X
Mauryan Judicial organizations and Legal procedure were based on the prescription of
Artha Sastra✔X
Persian Law✔X
Consider the following statements: Assertion(A): Rabindranath Tagore surrendered his knighthood in 1919. Reason(R): His act was against the Jallianwala Bagh massacre (1919) and imposition of martial law in Punjab. Now select your answer according to the coding schedule given below:
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Only (A) is true✔X
Only ® is true✔X
He was the founder of the new school of administration. 2. His original name was Vishnugupta. Consider the following statements regarding to Kautilya. 1.
only I is true✔X
Only II is true✔X
Both I and II are true✔X
Both I and II are false✔X
Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion(A) and Reason(R) and select your answer using the codes given below: Assertion(A): Rise of militant movements in Indian National Movement revealed to the British Government , the extent to which the Indians were humiliated and dissatisfied. Reason(R): Indian youth were involved in large numbers in militant movements and left their foot prints as Heros.
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A)and ® are false✔X
Both (A) and ® are true and ® is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is false but ® is true✔X
Identify the leader who uttered the following statement: “I am not anti-English, I am not anti-British , I am not anti-any government , but I am anti-untruth, anti-humbug and anti-injustice ………. So long as the government spells injustice, it may regard me as its enemy, implacable enemy………”
Gopala Krishna Gokhale✔X
Bala Gangadhara Tilak✔X
Jawaharlal Nehru✔X
Which national leader uttered the following statement? “I am an Indian Tom Tom waking up all the sleepers so thet they wake and work for their motherland.”
Gopala Krishna Gokhale✔X
Annie Besant✔X
Jawaharlal Nehru✔X
Who became the Chief Minister of Madras Presidency in 1923 after Justice party won the elections?
T.N.Sivagnana Pillai✔X
Who made the statement: ‘Worship of God through the services of the poor?’
Mahatma Gandhi✔X
Mother Therasa✔X
Swami Vivekananda✔X
Ramakrishna Pramahamsa✔X
Match List I with List II and select your answer using the codes given below in the lists: List I List II. 1. Lala Lajpat Tai 1. The Philosophy of the Bomb. 2. Bhagat Singh 2. Chittagong Armoury Raid. 3.Surya Sen 3. Assassination of Saunders. 4. Bhagwaticharan Vihra 4. Extremist Nationalist
2 1 4 3✔X
3 4 1 2✔X
2 4 1 3✔X
4 3 2 1✔X
Match List I with List II and select your answer using the codes given below in the lists: List I List II. 1.Beek 1. Lahore Congress. 2. Archibold 2. Mohammedans Defence Association. 3. Rahmat Ali 3. Principal, Aligarh College. 4. Pakistan Resolution 4. Coining the world Pakistan
2 3 4 1✔X
3 1 2 4✔X
1 4 3 2✔X
4 2 1 3✔X
Which of the following statements about Mangal Pandey are correct? 1. He refused to use the greased catridge . 2. He was a Sepoy in the 19th native infantry stationed at Berhampur. 3. He belonged to the regiment of 34 N.I. at Barrackpore. 4. He was not punished by the British.
I and II✔X
II and IV✔X
II and III✔X
I and III✔X
Who was the Prime Minister when for the first tiome No-confidence motion was moved in the Indian Parliament?
Jawaharlal Nehru✔X
Indira Gandhi✔X
Morarji Desai✔X
Lal Bahadur Shastri✔X
The Chief offensive Weapon of the Vedic period
Bow and Arrow✔X
Arrange the following in descending order. 1. Teshil 2. Sub-division 3. Village 4. Pargana
2, 1, 4, 3✔X
3, 4, 2, 1✔X
2, 1, 3, 4✔X
1, 2, 4, 3✔X
Which inscription referred to ‘Piyadassi’ as the second name for Asoka?
Consider the following about Vedic literatures: 1. The Brahmanas are the treatises relating to prayer and sacrificial ceremony. 2. The Upanishads are philosophical texts dealing with topic like the soul, the absolute , the origin of the world and the mysteries of nature.3. The author of Ramayana was Vedavyas and that of Mahabharata was Vakmiki . 4.The Aranyakas are called country books,
I, II, III and IV✔X
II, III and IV only✔X
I and II only✔X
III and IV only✔X
Option ✔X
The important site of Harappa was excavated by
Sir John Marshall✔X
Dayaram Sahini✔X
The rd Tirthankar of Jainism was
Which one of the following pair is correctly matched? Dynasty Name
Khilji dysnasty - Ibrahim Lodi✔X
Delhi sultanate - Qutb-udin-Aibak✔X
Mughal empire - Akbar✔X
Tughluq dynasty - Firozshah Tughkuq✔X
Match List I with List II and select your answer using the codes given below in the lists: List I List II. 1. Kudi Arasu 1. 1971 Revolt 2. 1934 Pagutharivu 3. 1928 Modern Rationalist 4. 1925
3 1 2 4✔X
4 3 2 1✔X
2 1 4 3✔X
1 3 2 4✔X
Arrange the following Mauryan revenue officials in the ascending order with the help of the codes given below: 1.Pradesika 2. Sdhanika 3. Samharta 4. Rajuka
4, 1, 3, 2✔X
1, 3, 4, 2✔X
3, 1, 2, 4✔X
2, 4, 1, 3✔X
Which British commander captured the Poligar of Panchalankurichi Virapandya Kattabomman and hanged him?
Lt. Maclean✔X
Major Banermann✔X
The Indian National Army crossed the Indo Burma Frontier and planted the National Tricolour Flag on.
19th March 1944✔X
20th April 1944✔X
7th June 1945✔X
10th July 1945✔X
Which of the following is correct? The unhappiness of the Indian Sepoys at Barrackpore, first surfaced in 1824 because, 1. The 47th regiment at Barrackpore was ordered to go to Burma. 2. Caste distinctions and segregations within the regiment. 3. Recruitment of Brahmins were discouraged. 4. Introduction of the Enfield Rifle.
II and III✔X
II and IV✔X
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