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Sunday 27 June 2021

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DOP 2: Delete One Part MOD APK 1.1.5 (Ad-Free) Android

DOP 2: Delete One Part MOD APK 1.1.5 (Ad-Free) Android

Think you’re smart? Then delete one part! ЁЯдп

Download this popular brain game and use logic to solve fun and clever puzzles!


Playing is easy! Just touch the screen and drag your finger to erase part of the drawing and see what lies behind it. The game may seem simple, but looks can be deceiving…

Like a detective’s magnifying glass, your eraser is the key to unraveling the hidden mysteries of this thinking game. You will have to become a shrewd sleuth and investigate the pictures carefully to locate clues. But you can never be sure what kind of surprises you’re going to find under the surface! ЁЯШо


Let your imagination run wild! Will the criminal succeed in robbing a bank, or will the police catch him first? What is the wife hiding from her husband? ЁЯЩО‍♀️

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Free a genie from an ancient forgotten lamp, sculpt pottery, and catch a villainous murderer — and that’s all just in the first 30 levels!

Make the most of your free time by playing an engaging brain game that will sharpen your wit. With DOP 2, you can chill out and get smarter at the same time! Level up your brain while you level up in the game!

Jump right into the simple and straightforward gameplay of this thinking game: just swipe your finger across your phone screen to erase parts of the drawing and reveal what’s underneath. The mechanics may be easy, but the puzzles will keep your brain ЁЯзй guessing!
Investigate hundreds of entertaining levels chock-full of tricky brain teasers. No two puzzles are the same! Each level stimulates your brain to approach a problem in a new way.
Discover the unexpected twists hiding behind every image! Each stroke of your eraser will uncover a new, deeper layer to the story depicted in the drawing. Only you can make the invisible ЁЯФН visible!
Enjoy the delightful graphics with their unique cartoon style and cute animations.
Provides hours of fun for teens, seniors, and anyone in between who wants to keep their brain sharp!
The optional music, sound effects, and vibration settings give you more control over your gameplay experience.
Strengthen your reasoning skills and put your mind to the test with a relaxing and amusing thinking game. The best part is that there is no way to mess up or fail: if you erase the wrong thing, the picture will just reset! The point is to make you think, not make you cry! ЁЯШн

– Gameplay improvements
– Minor bug fix
– Enjoy the game!


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