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Monday 14 June 2021

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Truth or Dare 10.1.4 Apk + Mod (Full Pack Unlock) Android

Truth or Dare Android thumb

Truth or Dare 10.1.4 Apk + Mod (Full Pack Unlock) Android

Want to know your friends for real?
Want to know the juicy details about the life of the soulmate, but do not dare to ask about it?

Then this application is a real find for you! You will receive a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions and new sensations that you have never experienced! It will definitely help you, and it certainly won’t be boring!

Forget about other games – “Truth or Dare“ game will not just help to melt the ice, but take communication to a new level. Gather your company and get ready for uncomfortable questions and fun tasks, with a pinch of vulgarity!
It will be appropriate everywhere:
– at parties ЁЯе│
– romantic dates ЁЯе░
– in bed ЁЯШП

Relax and enjoy a good time and unusual emotions.

ЁЯФе Hundreds of original, fun, complex and sometimes obscene questions and tasks.
ЁЯО▓ Modes for companies, couples in love and for couples who are only at the beginning of their relationship.
ЁЯУК 5 levels of difficulty, including a pack for people under 18, and the ability to customize game by add your own questions and tasks or questions from any package.
ЁЯНн The choice of colors for your mood, 6 themes are available in the application.
✍️ Ability to add any number of players, enter their names and choose the gender, since this will depend on the subject matter.
⏱️ Regular release of updates with the completion of the lists of tasks and questions!


We are very grateful for your positive feedback and have already prepared a new update in which you will find:
ЁЯдг New dares and questions.
ЁЯкЮ General optimization of the app for maximum usability.


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