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Saturday 24 July 2021

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Occupation 2.5 2.4 Apk + MOD (Money/Ammo) + Data for Android

Occupation 2.5 2.4 Apk + MOD (Money/Ammo) + Data for Android

Scientists have discovered an ancient alien artifact. It was activated and a giant alien mothership appears in orbit of the Earth.
People began to turn into zombies and monsters. Most governments collude with extraterrestrials.
Try to survive in a new world filled with creatures and monsters, try to correct the scientists’ mistake!• Classic First and Third person PC action game for mobiles• Big Open 3D World with day/night cycle and complete freedom of action• English, Espa├▒ol, Portugu├кs, ╨а╤Г╤Б╤Б╨║╨╕╨╣, Indonesia localizations• A lot of missions, zombies and mutants, night creatures, anomalies
• Arms dealers, mercenaries, hostages, portals, doors with locks, inventory

• Additional endless game mode (unlocked after all missions are done)

• Auto-aim or gyro-aim makes the objectives simpler!

• VR Headsets support, hardware input support – gamepads, keyboards

Thank You for downloading!

First update, related to graphics! Added lightmaps, normal maps, LUT color grading, bloom, DOF and other effects. All same as steam PC version, but optimized (steam version has view distances 6x and more, plus some additional features).
Many enhancemets and bugfixes – fight camera now smooth, Adrenaline adds 2x to jump height and damage 2x less. Enhancements to fight mode, rotate camera, player controller, jump, level loading, all bugs found – fixed.
“APK” install it on your device.
“com.the3daction.Occ25” folder “android / obb” copy into.
Enter the game.


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