The Revolt of 1857 started from
Delhi✔ X
Jhansi✔ X
Meerut✔ X
Kanpur✔ X
Who started the Home Rule Movement in India?
Annie Besant✔ X
Lala Lajpat Rai✔ X
Motilal Nehru✔ X
Madan Mohan Malaviy✔ X
The leader of the extremists was
Dadabhai Naoroji✔ X
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru✔ X
Pilak✔ X
R.C. Dutt✔ X
Mahatma Gandhi attended only
the First Round Table conference✔ X
the Second Round Table conference✔ X
the Third Round Table conference✔ X
none of these conferenc✔ X
Dandi Yatra was indertaken by Gandhiji
to break the salt law✔ X
resolve dispute among Gujarat Mill workers✔ X
to press the demand for Poorna Swaraj d✔ X
to start Stayagraha✔ X
“Give me blood and I promise yoy freedom” was uttered by
Bhagat Singh✔ X
Chandra Sekhar Azad✔ X
Sardar Patel✔ X
Subhash Chandra Bose✔ X
‘Who was the Prime Minister of England when India got Independence
Lord Mountbatten✔ X
Lord Atlee✔ X
Churchill✔ X
Lord Wellington✔ X
Which movement was launched along the Khilafat Movement?
Swadeshi Movemen✔ X
Home Rule Movement✔ X
Civil-disobedience Movement✔ X
Non-Cooperation Movement✔ X
The credit for integrating the Indian princely states goes to
Sardar Patel✔ X
Rajendra Prasad✔ X
Nehruj✔ X
Lord Mountbatten✔ X
Who is the founder of the Bhoodan Movement?
Vinoba Bhave✔ X
Baba Amte✔ X
Sundarlal Bahuguna✔ X
Jayaprakash Narayan✔ X
Who is known as Frontier Gandhi?
Mahatma Gandh✔ X
Rajiv Gandhi✔ X
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan✔ X
Abdul Kader✔ X
The words “Styameva Jayate” inscribed below the base plate of the Emblem are taken from
Rig, Veda✔ X
Upanished✔ X
Mundaka Upanishe✔ X
Brahmanas✔ X
Who fought against Sati system?
Raja Rammohan Roy✔ X
B.G. Tilak✔ X
M.G. Ranade✔ X
A.O. Hume✔ X
The first law member of the Government –General council was
Thomas Monroe✔ X
Maculay✔ X
Sir John Shore✔ X
Minto✔ X
The Partition of Bengal was effected in the yea
1904 AD✔ X
1906 AD✔ X
1907 AD✔ X
1905 AD✔ X
The Father of Indian National Congress was
A.O. Hume✔ X
Surendranath Banerjee✔ X
B.G. Tilak✔ X
B.C. Pa. நீதிக்கட்சியை தோற்றுவித்தவர்✔ X
The Mother of Indian Revolution was
Annie Besant✔ X
Vijayalakshmi Pandit✔ X
Madam Came✔ X
Sarojini Naidu✔ X
The foundation stone of the Hindu Benaras University was laid by
Lord Wellesle✔ X
Lord Cornwallis✔ X
Lord Hardinge✔ X
Lord Mountbatten✔ X
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on
13th April, 1919✔ X
13th April, 1920✔ X
13th April, 1921✔ X
13th April, 1922✔ X
The Editor and Publisher of the famous Tamil paper ‘India’ was
M. Srinivasan✔ X
B.G. Tilak✔ X
G. Subramaniya Iyer✔ X
Aurobindo Ghosh✔ X
The ‘Muslim League’ was formed in
1903 AD✔ X
1905 Ad✔ X
1911 AD✔ X
1906 AD✔ X
Who was the author of the work “Indica”?
Chanakya✔ X
Fa Hien✔ X
Megasthenes✔ X
Marco Polo✔ X
The Jataka tales are stories about the lives of
the Jain Thirthankaras✔ X
the Vedic Rishis✔ X
the Bodhisatvas✔ X
the Astrologers✔ X
The term “ Prince among the Pilgrims” refers to
Itsing✔ X
Fa Hien✔ X
Alberuni✔ X
Hieun Tsang✔ X
Gandhara Art is a fusion of
Indian and Greek Arts✔ X
Persian and Indian Art✔ X
Indian and Chinese Arts✔ X
All thes✔ X
The Swadeshi movement in India was launched in
1885 AD✔ X
1905 Ad✔ X
1906 AD✔ X
1930 AD✔ X
Name of the famous book of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is
India wins freedom✔ X
Freedom at Midnigh✔ X
The Muslims of India✔ X
Mahatma Whom I met✔ X
The first major split in the Congress party took place in 1907 at
Nagpur✔ X
Mumbai✔ X
Surat✔ X
Avadi✔ X
“Black hole tragedy” is associated with
Sepoy Mutiny✔ X
Quit India Movement✔ X
Lahore Explosion✔ X
None of these✔ X
The permanent land revenue settlement was introduced in the year
1786 AD✔ X
1788 AD✔ X
1793 AD✔ X
1798 AD✔ X
The Unoversities of Kolkatta, Chennai and Mumbai were founded in the year
1852 AD✔ X
1857 AD✔ X
1858 AD✔ X
1858 AD✔ X
When was the capital of India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi?
1911 AD✔ X
1942 AD✔ X
1947 AD✔ X
1950 AD✔ X
The first Indian to enter in to the Civil Service was
S.N. Banerjee✔ X
Ramesh Chandra Dutt✔ X
Biharilal Gupta✔ X
Satyendranath Tagore✔ X
The defect of which Act was rectified by the passage of Pitt’s India Act?
The Regulating Act✔ X
Charter Act of 1813✔ X
Charter Act of 1793✔ X
Indian Education Act✔ X
The Governor-General who suppressed Thugs was
Warren Hastings✔ X
Cornwallis✔ X
Wellesley✔ X
William Bentinck✔ X
Industrial Revolution first began inசோழர்கள் கட்டிய கோயில் எது?
Germany✔ X
England✔ X
France✔ X
Italy✔ X
Nalanda was a famous University exited during the region of
Kanishka✔ X
Harsha✔ X
Chardragupta Maurya✔ X
Samudragupta✔ X
The main aim of Mahmud of Ghajini’s repeated raids on India was to
Spread Islam in India✔ X
Establish a mighty Islamic empire in Asia✔ X
Plunder the wealth of India✔ X
Take revenge for his earlies defeat✔ X
Who was responsible for the establishment of Delhi Sultanate?
Muhammad Ghori✔ X
Muhammad Ghazni✔ X
Qutb-ud-din-Aibek✔ X
Iltutmish✔ X
Qutb-Minar was completed by
Qutb-ud-din-Aibek✔ X
Iltutmish✔ X
Balban✔ X
Razia✔ X
Which one of the following is not correctly matched?” என்று முழங்கியவர்
Alauddin Khilji - Chittoor Rani Padmin✔ X
First Battle of Panipat - 1556 AD✔ X
Battle of Thalaikottai - 1565 AD✔ X
Nurjahan - Jahangir✔ X
Which of the following is not correctly matched
Balban - The forty✔ X
Razia - First woman ruler✔ X
Bairamkhan - Guardian of Akbar✔ X
Iltutmish - The Bell of Justic✔ X
Mansabdari system was introduced by
Akbar✔ X
Babur✔ X
Humayun✔ X
Aurangzeb✔ X
Who was the First Sikh Guru
Guru Nanak✔ X
Guru Arjun✔ X
Guru Dev✔ X
Guru Gobind Singh✔ X
The treaty of Srirangapattanam was signed in the year
1764 AD✔ X
1784 AD✔ X
1792 AD✔ X
1799 Ad✔ X
The founder of ‘Brahma Samaj’ was
Raja Rammohan Roy✔ X
Swami Dayanand✔ X
Swami Vivekananda✔ X
Annie Besant✔ X
The Indus valley civilization was
a pastrol civilization✔ X
an urban civilization✔ X
a no,adic civilization✔ X
a tribal civilization✔ X
Buddhism was founded in the year
600 BC✔ X
500 BC✔ X
800 BC✔ X
567 BC✔ X
The traveler who visited during the period of Harsha was
Hieun Tsang✔ X
Fahien✔ X
Madesthenese✔ X
Marcopolo✔ X
Regarding Karikalan , which of the following statements is correct?
He was a Cholan king in IInd century AD✔ X
He established the city Pugar✔ X
Built Kallanai (Grand Anicut)✔ X
All these✔ X
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