“The wise with watchful soul who coming ills foresee; From coming evil's dreaded shock are free” What could be considered as the proverb equal to this Kural?
A) Let patience have its perfect work✔X
B) Prevention is better than cure✔X
(C) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush✔X
(D) Charity begins at home✔X
Which of the following state/union territory sharing their borders with three countries? 1. West Bengal 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Jammu & Kashmir 4. Sikkim
(A) 1 and 2✔X
(B) 1, 2 and 4✔X
(C) 1, 3 and 4✔X
D) 1, 2 and 3✔X
If the Earth shrinks to 50% of its real radius its mass remaining the same, the weight of a body on the Earth will
A) remain same✔X
(B) increase by 50%✔X
(C) decrease by 50%✔X
D) increase by 300%✔X
In which of the following state has ranked second in Good Governance on the basis of Socio-economic growth?
(A) Maharashtra✔X
B) Odisha✔X
(C) Andra Pradesh✔X
(D) Tamilnadu✔X
Choose the correct answer from the following statements 1. This tax was an oppressive tax 2. A voluntary offering by the people to the king, but later become compulsory 3. It is levived during Gupta’s period
A) Hiranya✔X
B) Bhaga✔X
(C) Bali✔X
(D) Halivakara✔X
Who decides the education budget of India?
Ministry of Finance✔X
Department of Education✔X
Ministry of Human Resource Development✔X
University Grants Commission✔X
Real Swaraj will come not by acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority, when abused” who said this?
(A) Gokhale✔X
(B) Madan Mohan Malaviya✔X
C) Nehru✔X
D) Gandhi✔X
The Anti-Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979 in
A) Kerala✔X
B) Jammu and Kashmir✔X
C) West Bengal✔X
D) Tamil Nadu✔X
Choose the correct statement 1. Tamil was the first non-European language that went into print 2. In 1578, Tamil book Thambiran Vanakkam was published from Tranquebar
A) 1 only✔X
B) 2 only✔X
C) 1 and 2 only✔X
(D) None of these✔X
Who was appointed as the first woman head of Indian National Science Academy (INSA)?
(A) Rohini Godbole✔X
B) Chandrima Shaha✔X
C) Yamuna Krishnan✔X
D) Nandini Harinath✔X
The radius of a circle is 21 cm. Find the perimeter of the quadrant circle
A) 50 cm✔X
B) 35 cm✔X
C) 75 cm✔X
D) 85 cm✔X
Which of the following is not rock cut cave temple of Gupta period
A) Bagh (Madhya Pradesh✔X
(B) Elephanta cave (Maharashtra✔X
C) Udayagiri cave (Odisha✔X
D) Ajanta and Ellora caves (Maharashtra✔X
Number of major and minor ports in Tamil Nadu
(A) 3 and 23✔X
(B) 4 and 16✔X
C) 3 and 16✔X
(D) 4 and 15✔X
In Medieval India, which designation is called as “Mahattara” and “Pattakila”?
A) Village headmen✔X
(B) Military officers✔X
(C) Cheifs of crafts guilds✔X
(D) Specialists in vedic rituals✔X
Which of the following are the favourable factors for the distribution of textile industries? 1. Tropical climate 2. Soil type 3. Water and power supply 4. Transportation facilities
A) 2 and 3✔X
B) 1, 3 and 4✔X
C) 1, 2 and 3✔X
(D) All the above✔X
Which of the following are correct regarding Sugar cultivation in India? 1. Sugarcane is a major cash crop which is cultivated in all the districts of Tamil Nadu except Kanyakumari, Chennai and Nilgris. 2. Sugarcane is a water intensive crop and government provide subsidy on micro irrigation in sugarcane through PMKSY scheme. 3. Villupuram is in first place on the production of sugarcane.
(A) 2 only✔X
(B) 2 and 3✔X
C) 1 and 3✔X
D) All the above✔X
Who wrote the book “Economy of Permanence”?
(A) B.R. Ambedkar✔X
(B) J.C. Kumarappa✔X
C) Amartya Sen✔X
D) V.K.R.V.Rao✔X
Which of the following variety of silk is produced in India? 1. Mulberry 2. Tropical Tussar 3. Eri 4. Muga
(A) 1 and 2✔X
B) 2 and 3✔X
(C) 3 and 4✔X
(D) All the above✔X
Which type of agriculture is practiced in the size of the agricultural land holding is small
(A) Subsistence Agriculture✔X
(B) Plantation Agriculture✔X
C) Intensive Agriculture✔X
(D) Extensive Agriculture✔X
Match the Indian languages with their linguistic families (a) Austric 1. Orean (b) Sino-Tibetan 2. Urdu (c) Dravidan 3. Munda (d) Indo-Aryan 4. Karen
(A) 3 4 1 2✔X
(B) 3 1 2 4✔X
C) 4 2 1 3✔X
(D) 2 4 3 1✔X
Which of the following statement is/are true about Dadabhai Naoroji? 1. He founded the East India Association in Mumbai 2. He was elected thrice as the president of the INC 3. He wrote a book called Poverty and Un-British Rule of the British in India
(A) 1 only✔X
B) 2 and 3✔X
(C) 3 only✔X
D) All the above✔X
The Bande Mataram Song became the anthem of the swadeshi movement. In which book the Bande Mataram Song has placed?
(A) Gulangiri✔X
(B) Anandmath✔X
(C) Indian Unrest✔X
(D) Satyartha Prakash✔X
Which of the following is/are among the functions of the Election Commission of India? 1. Conduct of election for the posts of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha and the Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha 2. Conduct of election to the Corporations and Municipalities 3. Deciding on all doubts and disputes arising out of elections
A) 1 and 2✔X
B) 1 and 3✔X
C) 2 and 3✔X
D) None of these✔X
Recently, Vellore district in Tamil Nadu has been separated into how many districts
(A) 2✔X
(B) 3✔X
C) 4✔X
(D) 5✔X
Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion (Article 15 of the Constitution of India) is a Fundamental Right classifiable under which chapter?
A) the Right to Freedom of Religion✔X
B) the Right against Exploitation✔X
C) the Cultural and Educational Rights✔X
D) the Right to Equality✔X
Choose the correct person from the given statements 1. He is considered as the father of Tamil linguistic purism 2. He wrote commentaries on Pattinappalai and Mullaipattu 3. He worked in a journal, Siddhanta Deepika 4. He was inclined towards non-Brahmin movement
A) U.V. Swaminathar✔X
B) C.W. Damotharanar✔X
C) Maraimalai Adigal✔X
D) Parithimar Kalaignar✔X
Who compiled a dictionary that provided pure Tamil equivalents to Sanskrit words?
A) Rukmani Ammal✔X
(B) Alamelu mangai Thayamma✔X
C) Nilambikai✔X
D) Sivakami Chidambaranar✔X
Who was awarded with Tamil Nadu governments Kalpana Chawla Award – 2019?
A) Ramyalakshmi✔X
(B) Senthamarai✔X
C) Sivasankari✔X
D) Subbu Arumugam✔X
In which of the following forests, heavy rainfall occurs during winter and low rainfall during summer?
A) Tundra✔X
(B) Tropical rain fores✔X
(C) Sclerophyllous forests✔X
(D) Deciduous forest✔X
Which of the following plants behave as Xerophytes at summer and behave as Mesophytes (or) Hydrophytes during rainy season
(A) Halophytes✔X
(B) Epiphytes✔X
C) Tropophytes✔X
D) Hygrophytes✔X
Who founded the Madras United League and the Dravidian Home?
(A) C. Natesanar✔X
(B) T.M. Nair✔X
(C) Pitti Theyagarayar✔X
D) A. Subbarayalu✔X
_________ was the official newspaper of the Self-Respect Movement
(A) Kudi Arasu✔X
B) Puratchi✔X
C) Paguththarivu✔X
D) Viduthalai✔X
In which year, the first printing of Thirukkural from the manuscript?
O(A) 1901✔X
B) 1812✔X
(C) 1900✔X
(D) 1815✔X
𝑎1,𝑎2,𝑎3, .... are in A.P. such that 𝑎4𝑎7 = 32, then the 13𝑡ℎ term of the A.P. is
A) 32✔X
(B) 0✔X
(C) 12✔X
D) 14✔X
A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km/hr and returns at 30 km/hr. His average speed for the whole journey is
A) 35 km/hr✔X
B) 37 km/h✔X
C) 37.5 km/hr✔X
(D) 40 km/hr✔X
In which of the following kingdom, building “Kalyaana Mandapas” was a notable feature in the temple construction
A) Chalukya✔X
B) Vijayanagara✔X
(C) Chandela✔X
D) Rashtrakuta✔X
Which of the following materials were used for making of seals during Indus Valley Civilisation? 1. Copper 2. Silver 3. Gold 4. Terracotta
(A) 1 and 2✔X
B) 1, 2, and 3✔X
C) 1, 3 and 4✔X
(D) 3 and 4✔X
Which district of Tamilnadu has possesses the highest population as per 2011 census?
A) Kanchipuram✔X
(B) Vellore✔X
C) Tiruvallur✔X
D) Tiruchirappalli✔X
Which of the following mountain lies parallel to the direction of South West monsoon?
(A) Vindhya ranges✔X
B) Satpura ranges✔X
C) Aravalli ranges✔X
D) Rajmahal hills✔X
For which of the following purpose Tamilnadu e-governance Agency received the award in the year 2018?
Reducing intermediaries✔X
Paperless office✔X
Digital services✔X
Ease of doing business✔X
Match the following (a) Block chain backbone 1. Online Services (b) TNeGA 2. Remote Sensing Technology (c) E-sevai 3. Nambikkai Inaiyam (d) TN-GIS 4. State Nodal Agency
A) 1 4 2 3✔X
(B) 4 3 1 2✔X
(C) 3 4 1 2✔X
(D) 3 4 2 1✔X
The Communist Party of India was established and its headquarters at Bombay. After which conspiracy the party was established
(A) Meerut conspiracy case✔X
(B) Lahore conspiracy case✔X
(C) Kanpur conspiracy case✔X
(D) Kakori conspiracy case✔X
Consider the following statements Assertion (A) : Twelth five year plan is the last five year plan Reason (R) : Government of India has decided to stop the launching of five year plans and it was replaced by NITI Aayog
A) Both (A) and (R) is true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(B) Both (A) and (R) is true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)✔X
C) (A) is true but (R) is false✔X
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true✔X
If the Prime Minister of India belonged to the Rajyasabha
(A) he will not be able to vote in his favour in the event of a no-confidence motion✔X
B) he will not be able to speak on the budget in the Lower House✔X
(C) he can make statements only in the Upper House✔X
D) he was to become a member of the Lower House within six months after being sworn in as the Prime Minister✔X
Who said, “Religion means you accept superstitious beliefs”?
(A) Rettaimalai Srinivasan✔X
B) M.C. Rajah✔X
(C) Periyar✔X
D) Arignar Anna✔X
Choose the correct statement 1. C.W. Damotharanar collected and edited different palm-leaf manuscripts of the Tamil grammar and literature 2. His editions included such texts as Purananuru, Purapporul-Venpa-Malai, Manimekalai and Ainkurunuru.
(A) 1 only✔X
B) 2 only✔X
(C) 1 and 2✔X
(D) None of these✔X
Which of the following organization observes World Day Against Trafficking in Person on July 30
(A) United Nation Development Program (UNDP)✔X
(B) World Health Organization (WHO✔X
(C) United Nation Security Council (UNSC)✔X
D) United Nation General Assembly (UNGA)✔X
Women’s Equality Day is observed on
(A) August 24✔X
B) August 25✔X
(C) August 26✔X
(D) August 27✔X
How many sub divisions of muppal in Thirukkural are classified in terms of the three quarters, respectively?
(A) 3 : 2 : 4✔X
(B) 4 : 3 : 2✔X
(C) 2 : 3 : 4✔X
(D) 3 : 4 : 2✔X
Choose the correctly matched pairs Components Uses 1. Resister - To fix the magnitude of the current through the circuit 2. Galvanometer - To indicate the direction of current 3. Ground connection - Serves as a reference point to measure the electric potential
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