A money bill based by the Lok sabha can be delayed by the Rajya sabha for a maximum period of
one montha✔X
14 days✔X
10 days✔X
15 days✔X
How many members are nominated by the President in Rajya sabha?
10 members✔X
20 members✔X
15 members✔X
12 members✔X
In Parliamentary enactment of India, who presides over the meeting of the cabinet?
The President✔X
The Prime Minister✔X
Sometimes the President and sometimes the Prime Minister✔X
The Vice-President✔X
The finance commission created under article 280 advises the centre
to declare financial emergency✔X
to declare national emergency✔X
regarding the distribution of taxes between the centre and the states✔X
regarding the appointment of planning commission✔X
Which set of the following articles deals with the fundamental rights?
Articles 12-35✔X
Articles 14-31✔X
Articles 12-31✔X
Articles 15-35✔X
The fundamental duties of Indian citizens are contained in
Part I of the Constitution✔X
Part II of the Constitution✔X
Part III-A of the Constitution✔X
Part IV-A of the Constitution✔X
Fundamental rights are mentioned in
Part IV of the Constitution✔X
Part III of the Constitution✔X
Part VIII of the Constitution✔X
Part II of the Constitution✔X
Indian Constitution is
purely federal✔X
purely unitary✔X
federal with unitary bias✔X
unitary with federal bias✔X
The amendment procedure laid down into the constitution of India is on the pattern of
Constitution of South Africa✔X
Constitution of U.S.A✔X
Constitution of Canada✔X
Irish Constitution✔X
Match list I with list II and select your answer using the codes given below: List – I List-II Justice - Thought, expression, belief, faith on worship Liberty - Social, economic, political Equality - Assuring dignity of the individual & the unity & integrity of the Nation Fraternity - Status & opportunity and to promote them among all Codes:
1 2 3 4✔X
4 3 2 1✔X
2 1 4 3✔X
3 4 2 1✔X
Consider the following statements: Assertion(A) : Fundamental rights cannot be suspended. Reason(R): Fundamental rights give the citizen to enjoy their freedom. Of the statements:
Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true, but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false, but (R) is true✔X
Which part of the constitution of India has been described as the soul of the constitution?
Fundamental rights✔X
Directive principles of the policy✔X
The preamble✔X
Judicial review✔X
Match list I correctly with list II and select your answer using the codes given below: List I List II British Constitution 1. Fundamental rights American Constitution 2. Parliamentary form of government Australian Constitution 3. Concurrent power Irish Constitution 4. Directive principles of state policy Codes
1 2 3 4✔X
2 1 3 4✔X
4 2 1 3✔X
3 2 1 4✔X
Which one of the following is a feature of the Indian constitution?
India is a religious state✔X
India is a secular state✔X
India is a capitalist state✔X
India is a totalitarian state✔X
Consider the following statements: Assertion(A): The constitutional position of the Governor of a state is the same as that of the president of the union. Reason(R): Theoretically, the Governor is the chief administrator but practically he can hardly do anything in the administration except under special circumstances. Of the statements:
Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)✔X
Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)✔X
(A) is true, but (R) is false✔X
(A) is false, but (R) is true✔X
The Chief Justice of the High court is appointed by the
Governor of the concerned state✔X
Chief Justice of India✔X
Prime Minister✔X
The President of India is
appointed by the Prime Minister✔X
elected by the Parliament✔X
elected by the Chief Ministers of states✔X
elected by an electoral consists of members of parliament and state legislatures✔X
The Balwat Rai Mehta Committee was setup in
The tenure of the office of a member of UPSC is fixed for
five years✔X
five years or until the attainment of 62 years of age, whichever is earlier✔X
six years or until the attainment of 62 years of age, whichever is earlier✔X
six years or until the attainment of 65 years of age, whichever is earlier✔X
Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the
Prime Minister✔X
Lok Sabha✔X
Rajya sabha✔X
The chairman of the planning commission is
The President✔X
The Prime Minister✔X
The Finance Minister✔X
The Minister of Planning✔X
The maximum representation in Rajya sabha has been given to the state of
Uttar Pradesh✔X
West Bengal✔X
To contest for the post of the President of India one should have completed
25 years✔X
30 years✔X
35 years✔X
40 years✔X
The Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces
Prime Minister✔X
Defence Minister✔X
Who has the Deputy Prime Minister when Morarji Desai was the Prime Minister?
Chowdy Charan Singh✔X
Raj Narain✔X
The first President of India was
Dr.Rajendra Prasad✔X
Dr. Zakir Hussain✔X
Dr. Radha Krishnan✔X
The chairman of the Rajya sabha is
The President✔X
The Vice- President✔X
Home Minister✔X
Prime Minister✔X
India declared Republic in
January 26, 1950✔X
January 26, 1947✔X
January 26, 1949✔X
January 26, 1948✔X
The retirement age of the High Court judge is
62 years✔X
60 years✔X
65 years✔X
58 years✔X
Who holds the powers of judicial review in India?
The President✔X
The Prime Minister✔X
The high courts and the Supreme court✔X
The Parliament✔X
The chairman of the Rajya sabha has
no right to vote✔X
a vote only in case of tie✔X
only one vote like other members✔X
a vote in case of amendment bills✔X
The maximum strength of the Rajya sabha is
The Vice-president of India is
a member of either house of the Parliament✔X
a member of the Rajya sabha✔X
a separate wing of the Parliament✔X
not a member of the Parliament✔X
The oath of office is conducted to the President by
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